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Single and Multi-Ad Group Campaign Takeover - Best Practices
Single and Multi-Ad Group Campaign Takeover - Best Practices
Andrea Mamone avatar
Written by Andrea Mamone
Updated over 7 months ago

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Introduction to Campaign Takeover

The Campaign Takeover feature enables you to migrate all the Sponsored Products campaigns you've initiated on Amazon to campaigns optimized by Perpetua.

🚨Note: This article offers in-depth insights into the Takeover feature for Sponsored Products campaigns. With Perpetua, you can also begin optimizing your pre-existing Amazon Sponsored Brands Campaigns, though there may be some limitations based on the campaign type. For more information on this, please consult our dedicated article on Sponsored Brands linked here.🚨

When Should You Consider Taking Over Existing Campaigns Into Perpetua?

  • Maintain Historical Data
    If your campaigns have been running for a long time and you don’t want to lose any historical data. Store performance history for targets, that can be beyond 60 days.

  • Maintain Your Campaign Structure
    If you currently have campaigns organized with a multi-ad group structure that differs from Perpetua's multi-campaign (Classic) goal structure, and you wish to preserve the original campaign setup you launched, this consideration remains significant. Nonetheless, to achieve the best performance, we strongly advise following the "Best Practices".

  • Preserve Your Results
    Your Amazon-launched campaigns are achieving excellent results, and you'd prefer not to pause them when implementing new Perpetua goals for the same ASINs (more here). This is especially relevant for campaigns with a strong, well-established history, long-term operation, and a highly specific strategy that doesn't align with Perpetua's multi-campaign goal structure.

  • Lower Minimum Goal Budget
    If the minimum budgets that classic goals require ($10 per segment) are too high for you to work with. With campaign takeover budgets can be as low as $1.

How To Assess Your Amazon Advertising Account For Campaign Takeover Fit?

When assessing an account for its suitability for a campaign takeover (CT), it is recommended to conduct a comprehensive analysis from both a macro and micro perspective. While individual campaigns might look suitable for a takeover, seeing them in the bigger picture might yield a different conclusion.

The following highlights certain metrics and qualifying criteria that are crucial for evaluating an entire account for Campaign Takeover suitability

Perpetua recommends the following when analysing an account for Campaign Takeover fit:

Metrics to Review

Qualifying Value for Takeover


Campaign Type Split

Min. 60% of all campaigns within an account should be manual

  • If there are too many auto campaigns within an account (typically >50%) this might signal that an ASIN is either promoted in >1 auto campaign or that the ASIN is not promoted in any manual campaign.

Number of Match Types Used

Min. 3 match types should be used (exact + PAT + 1 other)

  • Perpetua recommends using all four match types (broad, phrase, exact and PAT) within manual campaigns, and employing all four available match types in auto campaigns. Enabling a wider range of match types enhances our engine's optimization capabilities, making it more effective.

  • Each ASIN should be advertised using exact match type targets because this approach provides the most precise control over the targets’s bids.

How To Assess Individual Campaigns For Takeover Fit?

In the world of Amazon advertising, campaign structure is a critical factor in determining the success of your advertising efforts. A well-organized campaign not only makes it easier to manage and optimize but also leads to better results.

To help you navigate this landscape, we've outlined some key metrics to review and the qualifying values for takeovers, along with the reasons behind these recommendations.

Perpetua recommends the following when analysing individual campaigns for Campaign Takeover fit:

Metrics to Review

Qualifying Value for Takeover


Number of Ad Groups (Example)

3 (or less)

• For effective budget control, it is recommended to limit the number of Ad Groups to a maximum of 3 per campaign. This practice helps prevent budget dispersion that may occur when there are numerous Ad Groups within a single campaign.

• Each Ad Group should ideally represent a different match type, such as exact, phrase, or broad match, ensuring a clear distinction and budget allocation for each (assuming the same ASINs are advertised in each ad group).

Number of match types per Ad Group


Analyzing performance can become more complex when different match types are mixed within a single Ad Group.
By having one match type per Ad Group, you can fine-tune bidding and keyword targeting based on the specific characteristics of that match type, rather than having them intermingle and potentially dilute your efforts.

ASIN performance

Consistent across advertised products

• If there is a substantial difference in product performance, it can be beneficial to separate high-performing ASINs from low-performing ones. This allows more precise budget allocation and tailored management.

For instance, maintain top ASINs in the current campaign and create a distinct one for the rest, potentially with different goals and strategies.

Number of advertised ASINs (Example)

20 (or less)

• The more products are advertised within an Ad Group the less control you have over-optimizing individual products.

• It's essential to maintain control and precision in your advertising campaigns.
For instance, if you have different sizes or colours of a product, create a separate campaign or Ad Group for each. This allows for more targeted management and optimization, as well as the ability to allocate budgets with precision.

• In certain situations, it can be advantageous to promote single ASINs within a campaign to exercise greater control over that ASIN. However, it's essential to note that this strategy is typically only recommended for a selected number of ASINs, particularly those with substantial traffic. Implementing this approach often entails managing a significant number of campaigns (Users can have a maximum of 500 single campaign goals, which includes both Campaign Takeover goals and Custom goals launched via Perpetua).
Furthermore, when dealing with ASINs that have low traffic, we face limitations in terms of available data points, which can present challenges for our optimization process.

🚨Note: When managing product variations within your advertising campaigns, the level at which you choose to separate them (either on a campaign level or an ad group level) will significantly impact your control over various campaign elements.

If you decide to separate product variations on a campaign level, you will have maximum control over budget allocation, placement modifiers, and bidding strategy for each individual product variation. This level of separation allows for a more granular approach to campaign management ensuring that each product variation receives dedicated attention to optimize performance.

On the other hand, if you opt to separate product variations at the ad group level, it's important to note that you may lose some of the control over budget, placement modifiers, and bidding strategy since these settings are configured at the campaign level. However, this approach allows you to use product variation-specific keywords, tailoring your ad copy to match the specific attributes of each product. For example, if your product variation is "blue socks," you can target keywords like "blue socks," "men socks blue," and others to enhance the relevance of your ads. 🚨

In summary, the structure of your Amazon advertising campaigns plays a crucial role in your success. Adhering to the recommended values for the number of Ad Groups, match types, and ASINs, as well as monitoring and optimizing ASIN performance will help you achieve better results and make the most of your advertising budget.
These best practices provide a foundation for a well-organized and effective Amazon advertising strategy.

What Happens When You Take Over a Campaign From Your Amazon Account?

Begin utilizing Perpetua optimization to manage your Amazon Campaign effectively. You have the option to assume control of all your Sponsored Products campaigns and start implementing the following:

  • One Platform Control
    You can seamlessly transfer all the campaigns and monitor their performance through a single platform…Perpetua. 🤩

  • Keyword Management
    All the keywords will also be transferred during the takeover, and you will have the flexibility to add or remove them as needed at a later time.

  • Maintain your Bidding Strategy
    Perpetua will retain the bidding strategy and placement multipliers from your original campaign when taking it over.

  • Targets and Negative Match Keywords
    Your Targets and Negative Match will be maintained in their original status when taken over.

  • Unchanged ASIN/s Status
    The status of the ASINs within the campaign you wish to take over will be respected when doing a takeover. For instance, if a campaign has 5 ASINs of which 4 are paused this will be honoured.

Campaign Takeover - What You Should Be Aware Of

A few things you should consider before taking over your Campaigns on Perpetua:

  • ASINs can exist in Multiple Goals!
    Unlike Classic Goals where an ASIN can only belong to a single goal, ASINs can exist in multiple Custom Goals.

  • Your Targets and Negative Matches will be maintained in their original status when taken over.

  • You can have a maximum of 500 single campaign goals, which includes both Campaign Takeover goals and custom goals launched via Perpetua.

  • Take over multiple campaigns at the same time, using the Bulk Campaign Takeover.

  • Each campaign can have a max of 100 Ad groups.

  • Perpetua optimizes for Top-of-Search and Product Page placements.

  • Rules-Based Bidding Strategy is not supported in Perpetua. Switch your bidding strategy to any of the "Down Only", "Up & Down" or "Fixed BIds".

  • For optimal campaign performance, segment targets by importance and past performance. Perpetua aims to meet the Target ACoS, but applying the same ACoS to all keywords may lead to suboptimal results due to differing performance levels, affecting bid adjustments.

  • To maintain visibility, use placement modifiers. If a specific placement, like TOS, performs effectively, set a placement modifier in Campaign Management to prevent excessive spending shifts away from this valuable placement.

  • After a takeover, review negative match and harvesting settings. Confirm that you've implemented negative matches through Traffic Exclusion settings to prevent unnecessary spending. Additionally, check the harvesting behaviour to ensure the engine only harvests desirable traffic and match types.

🚨Note: Your taken-over campaigns can currently benefit from the following Strategies from our Recommendations and Strategies) : “Scheduled Budget & ACoS Changes” and “Real-Time Budget Optimization”. 🚨

Campaign Takeover - Use Cases Scenarios and Recommendations

Scenario 1️⃣

Promoting single ASINS and single keywords per Ad Group.


  • Extensive Control: This approach provides advertisers with comprehensive control over advertised ASINs and keywords.

  • Complexity in Management: Managing a multitude of campaigns, potentially reaching into the hundreds or thousands, can introduce complexity and strain system performance.

  • Opposes Time Savings: Managing numerous campaigns individually contradicts the goal of time savings achieved through automation.


  • Prioritize High-Traffic Campaigns: Take over those campaigns with significant traffic and strategic importance to you.

  • Classic Goals for Remaining Products: Create classic goals for products that aren't part of the prioritized campaigns (”How to Launch a Multi-Campaigns (Claissc Goal) Sponsored Products Goal”).

  • Group Similar ASINs: Group together similar ASINs that share a high keyword overlap for more efficient management and optimization.​

Scenario 2️⃣

  • You sell products in 30 different colours/sizes.

  • Each colour/size is promoted in a separate Ad Group.


  • Separating ASIN variations by Ad Group is a good approach.

  • It keeps specific Keywords separate, like keeping all "blue", or “small” Keywords in one Ad Group.


  • We suggest a Campaign Takeover if match types are not mixed within these Ad Groups.

  • Note that Perpetua allows a maximum of 100 Ad Groups per campaign, while Amazon permits up to 20,000 Ad Groups in a campaign.

Scenario 3️⃣

  • You manage numerous campaigns, each with very low traffic, approximately €1 per day for each.


  • Optimizing campaigns with minimal traffic is challenging due to the limited data available for analysis and optimization.


  • Evaluate the possibility of combining specific campaigns to increase the volume of data within them, possibly by implementing classic goals due to their Multi Campaign Structure (here).

  • Combine should not only enhance data volume but also improve reporting capabilities.

Scenario 4️⃣

  • 4 ad groups for each manual campaign.

  • Each ad group is dedicated to promoting a different match type (exact, phrase, broad, PAT).


  • Combining ASIN Targets with other match types within the same campaign may lead to reduced control over bidding and budget allocation.


  • Our standard practice is to create a separate campaign exclusively for ASIN Targets to maintain better control.

  • However, if the PAT Ad Group performs similarly to the other match types, and you're okay with potentially having less control over your budget, you might want to consider doing a Campaign Takeover.

Scenario 5️⃣

  • You have an auto campaign with a multitude of Ad Groups, each dedicated to a specific product.

  • The purpose of this auto campaign is to explore and identify new, relevant search terms.


  • While this approach may help in uncovering new, relevant search terms (assuming that your products are related), the vast number of Ad Groups can significantly impact system performance and create challenges in effective campaign management.


  • Please note that we have a maximum limit of 100 Ad Groups per campaign, whether it's an auto, PAT or Manual (KW) campaign.

  • We recommend considering a transition to classic goals for conducting keyword research, as this will help maintain system performance and simplify campaign management (Keyword Harvesting in Perpetua)

Article last updated March 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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