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Campaign Takeover for Sponsored Products
Campaign Takeover for Sponsored Products

How to optimize existing SP campaigns launched from Amazon to Perpetua

Gloria Steiner avatar
Written by Gloria Steiner
Updated over a week ago

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The Campaign Takeover feature allows you to transfer all of the Sponsored Products campaigns (Auto, Manual and PAT) you launched on Amazon to a Perpetua-optimized single campaign goal.

We recommend using this feature if:

  • The campaigns you launched on Amazon are strong performers and you don't want them to be paused after launching new Perpetua goals on the same ASINs (more details on that here).

  • When your campaigns have a robust long-term history, have been running for a long time, and have a very specific strategy that you can't execute using Perpetua's multi-campaign goal structure.

  • If you have campaigns running with a multi-ad group structure that differs from Perpetua's multi-campaign (Classic) goal structure and you wish to maintain the original launched campaign setup.

Factors to Consider

  • Bidding Strategy: Perpetua will keep the same bidding strategy and placement multipliers you had before the campaign was taken over.

  • Keyword Harvesting: By default, taken-over SP campaigns will have the harvesting turned off. Learn more here.

  • Products: At least one product within the campaign must be enabled before the takeover for the process to work. If not, you'll encounter an error.

  • Bulk Takeover (learn more here): The Bulk Takeover Campaign sheet will ONLY show campaigns that have had spending or sales in the last 90 days. If a campaign hasn't been active during this time, it won't appear there. However, if you still want to take over campaigns with no recent activity, you can do it manually in-app one by one.

  • Advertising Strategy: Ensure that before taking over campaigns from Amazon, you have a well-defined strategic objective, proper product grouping, and strategic inclusion of targets in place.

Campaign Takeover Walkthrough

1️⃣ Navigate to your "Sponsored Products" tab in the left sidebar to enter your dashboard and click on the "Campaigns" section in the table below.

2️⃣ Here, you'll see all of the campaigns that are not currently managed by Perpetua.
To begin the takeover process, find your desired campaign and click the "Campaign Takeover" purple button.

💡 ​If your filter isn't automatically set to "Status=Unmanaged", you can do this manually by clicking "Add Filter" and setting it there.

3️⃣ A pop-up will appear where you can set your goal name, target ACoS, and budget.
If you're taking over a single-ad group campaign and you don't want to make any additional edits to your goal, press "Launch Goal" to finalize. However, if you're taking over a multi-ad group campaign and want to set a different target ACoS and budget for each, press "Edit & Launch".

By default, taken-over SP campaigns will have the harvesting turned off. Learn more here.

4️⃣ On the following screen, the section at the top is where you can jump between each ad group to edit their settings respectfully. Simply click on the dropdown and indicate your desired one.

From there, depending on whether this was a manual keyword or PAT campaign, you'll have different options to configure regarding targeting, harvesting, and bidding strategies. This process is the same as launching a new custom goal.

  • Click here for more information on launching a Custom Keyword Targeting Goal.

  • Click here for more information on launching a Custom Product Targeting Goal.

5️⃣ Once everything has been configured, press "Launch Goal" and you're done! You'll then be able to see your newly converted goal in the Goals tab of your Sponsored Products dashboard.

Why Can't I see the Campaigns I Launched on Amazon on Perpetua?

If you've recently initiated a campaign on Amazon, please allow up to 24 hours for it to appear on Perpetua. This delay may simply be due to the synchronization of data between Perpetua and your Amazon account.

Should you encounter a prolonged delay, kindly get in touch with your Data Strategist or contact our Live Chat Support team for assistance.

Bulk Campaign Takeover

If you'd like to take over multiple campaigns at the same time, you can use Perpetua's bulk takeover CSV feature.


The Bulk Takeover Campaign sheet will ONLY show campaigns that have had spending or sales in the last 90 days. If a campaign hasn't been active during this time, it won't appear there. However, if you still want to take over campaigns with no recent activity, you can do it manually in-app one by one.

1️⃣ Click on the "Bulk Campaign Takeover" button in the Campaigns tab of your Sponsored Products dashboard.

2️⃣ In the pop-up that appears, press the "Download Bulk Takeover CSV Template" button to generate a CSV file with all of your unmanaged campaigns.

3️⃣ After downloading and opening the CSV file, you'll need to enter your desired Target ACoS (column B) and Daily Budget (column C) for each campaign row.

4️⃣ Once you've entered all of the details and saved the file using a CSV format, navigate back to your Perpetua account to upload the file (1). From there, click the "Convert to Goals" button (2) to initiate the process.

5️⃣ If any issues occur during the takeover process, you'll be able to view the details, re-download the CSV, make the required adjustments, and re-upload. This is done through the Bulk Operations tab.

💡 Campaign takeover can also be completed through the Bulk Operations tab by selecting "Bulk Campaign Takeover". For more information on how to navigate that section, please review this article.

6️⃣ After the system is done converting your campaigns to goals, you'll see them populate in the Goals table of your Sponsored Products dashboard.

How Do I "Undo" a Takeover?

To undo this action, please delete the goal in Perpetua rather than pausing it. This will halt our ad engine from making any further optimizations.

Please note that when you delete the goal in Perpetua, the campaign will pause in the ad console. If you want the campaign to continue to run, please un-pause directly from the ad console.

Article last updated March 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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