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Sponsored Products Goal Setup: Targeting Types, Target ACoS, and Budget
Sponsored Products Goal Setup: Targeting Types, Target ACoS, and Budget

Overview of Perpetua's campaign structure to inform your goal setup and strategic approach

Mitchell Bergin avatar
Written by Mitchell Bergin
Updated over 5 months ago

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Universal Goal

This is the broadest multi-campaign goal structure you can launch. It contains one segment that launches three campaigns including Auto, Keyword, and PAT (Product ASIN Targeting). PAT campaigns hold ASINs, Keyword campaigns hold manual keywords, and Auto campaigns hold both while moving the well-performing keywords or ASINs into the Keyword and PAT campaigns, respectively.

Best for:

  • Products with no brand recognition or lack of a specific strategy

  • New products with no brand recognition to collect initial data (competitor terms, ASINs)

    • That data can then be used to decide if you want to break out into Branded or Advanced goals afterwards

Setting Target ACoS & Daily Budget:

  • Target ACOS: Look at your historical ACoS and budget over the past 30 days to set your initial targets

  • Daily Budget: Minimum $10

💡 To read more about the importance of setting the right initial targets, read this article here.

How Targeting Works:

  • Universal - All keywords are spread out between the Auto, Keyword, and PAT Campaigns. Find out more here.

🚨Note 🚨
Suppose there weren't any ASIN targets available to harvest from the Auto campaign or your historical campaigns on Amazon. In that case, you'll need to manually add ASIN targets to the goal for the PAT campaign to launch. You can learn how here.

Brand-Based Goal

The Brand-Based goal type is split into two segments focused on Branded and Unbranded targeting, respectively.
The Branded segment focuses on your own brand using a Keyword and PAT campaign.
The Unbranded segment focuses on everything except your brand using Auto, Keyword, and PAT campaigns.

Best for:

  • Products with any brand recognition

    • If anyone is searching for your brand in your search term report, we recommend creating a Brand-based goal

Setting Target ACoS & Budget:

  • Separate your branded and unbranded search terms in a search term report. Then, calculate the realized ACoS and daily budget over the past 30 days to set initial targets.

  • Your brand name is less expensive so it should have a lower budget and target ACoS than the unbranded segment

  • Minimum $10 daily budget. Remember that this budget is split over multiple campaigns so you want to give the ad engine enough to balance every day.

💡To read more about the importance of setting the right initial targets, read this article here.

How Targeting Works:

  • Branded contains your brand name and any misspellings (e.g., adidas, addidas)

  • Unbranded contains competitor brand names and category targets (e.g., shoes, women).

    Find out more here.

🚨Note 🚨
Suppose there weren't any ASIN targets available to harvest from the Auto campaign or your historical campaigns on Amazon. In that case, you'll need to manually add ASIN targets to the goal for the PAT campaign to launch. You can learn how here.

Advanced Goal

The Advanced goal type contains three segments: Branded, Competitor, and Category. The Branded segment operates the same as in the Brand-Based goal.
The Competitor and Category segments are essentially the unbranded segment split out into two. The Competitor segment will have a Keyword and PAT campaign focusing on your competition, while the category segment will have an Auto and Keyword campaign focusing on everything except your brand or your competitors.

Best for:

  • Products with specific strategies and strong brand presence to conquest known competitors

Setting Target ACoS & Budget:

  • Separate your branded, competitor & ASIN search terms in your search term report. Then, calculate the realized ACoS and daily budget over the past 30 days to set initial targets.

  • Competitor keywords and ASINs are more expensive so they should have a higher ACoS than the branded & category segments

  • Minimum $10 daily budget. Remember that this budget is split over multiple campaigns so you want to give the ad engine enough to balance every day.

💡 To read more about the importance of setting the right initial targets, read this article here.

How Targeting Works:

  • Branded contains your brand name and any misspellings (e.g., adidas, addidas)

  • Category contains category-specific targets (e.g., shoes, woman)

  • Competitor contains competitor brand names and any misspellings (e.g., nike, new balance).

    Find out more here.

🚨Note 🚨
Suppose there weren't any ASIN targets available to harvest from the Auto campaign or your historical campaigns on Amazon. In that case, you'll need to manually add ASIN targets to the goal for the PAT campaign to launch. You can learn how here.

Custom Goal

Custom Goals are a type of single-campaign goal you can launch. They are set up and operate a bit differently from the standard multi-campaign goals we discussed above.
For more information on them, please refer to the articles linked below:

Article last updated October 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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