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How To Launch A Custom Goal

Walkthrough of launching a Custom Goal in Perpetua

Gloria Steiner avatar
Written by Gloria Steiner
Updated over a week ago

🚨 Note: Custom Goals are not recommended for all users. This single-campaign goal type is for experienced advertisers who have very specific objectives that cannot be achieved using the functionality of multi-campaign goals. If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to your Data Strategist. If you're a Starter plan customer, please consult our Support team to see if this goal type is right for you.🚨

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How To Launch A Custom Keyword Targeting Goal

1. Go to the Sponsored Products tab in your left sidebar and click "new goal".

2. Select the Custom goal format.

3. Indicate which product(s) you want to advertise by marking off their respective box. You can select any product, including ones that are currently part of a live multi or single-campaign goal.

4. Select "Keyword Targeting" from the dropdown and enter your target ACoS and budget figures.

5. Under Keyword Targeting, click "add keywords" to define the ones you want Perpetua to target for this goal.

6. In the following pop-up, enter the keywords separated by new line and select the match types you want applied to them. Once complete, press "add to goal".

🚨Note: Steps 7 through 9 are optional. If these are not relevant to your goal, skip to step 10🚨

7. If you want Perpetua to harvest keywords, toggle Keyword Harvesting Behaviour to ON. This will open the section below where you can create your harvesting criteria by indicating the individual and segment phrases new keywords must contain along with the desired match types.

The "manage segments" button will open a separate pop-up and allow you to enter segment-specific phrases categorized by group. Press the "+" icon under your desired segment, give it a name, populate your phrases separated by new line, and press "save changes". These groupings are automatically saved so you can easily add them to all Custom Campaigns moving forward simply by checking off their box.

  • For example, if I sell Nike shoes and my competitor is Adidas, I can create a group of phrases in the Competitor segment named "Adidas" and add all their brand names and misspellings. From there, I can add that group of phrases to any goal moving forward simply by checking off the box.

  • If you add terms to Individual Phrases and select Segment Phrases, the keywords that can be harvested must include at least one term defined in both boxes.

  • You can choose to only fill out one or the other. If you only fill out Individual Phrases, then only the keywords that meet this requirement will be considered for harvesting.

  • If nothing is filled out, we will not harvest any keywords for that goal.

8. After creating your keyword harvesting criteria, an optional section you can move to is Traffic Exclusion. Here, you can define what keywords and segment phrases you want to exclude if it's part of the strategy for this Custom Campaign. For example, if I wanted to be aggressive with targeting the category "running shoes", but do not want to waste spend on terms with my brands or competitors in the phrase, I can choose to negative match them here.

After setting the toggle to ON, click "add negative keywords". This will open a separate pop-up and you can enter all the details here the same way as you did for keyword harvesting in the previous step. Once complete, press "add to goal".

9. Next, click the arrow to expand the Campaign Management section. Here, you can choose between 3 bidding strategies you want applied to the goal. The options are:

  • Dynamic Bids - Down

  • Dynamic Bids - Up & Down

  • Fixed Bids

Click the "learn more" button or hover over the "?" beside each strategy to view a definition and understand how they operate.

From there, if you'd like to apply any placement multipliers for Top of Search or Product pages, enter those percentages in their respective fields.

10. Finally, enter a name for your goal and click "Launch Goal" to finalize.

How To Launch A Custom Product Targeting Goal

1. Go to the Sponsored Products tab in your left sidebar and click "New Goal".

2. Select the Custom goal format.

3. Indicate which product(s) you want to advertise by marking off their respective box.

4. Select "Product Attributed Targeting" from the dropdown and enter your target ACoS and budget figures.

5. In the Product Targeting section, click "add products". This will open a new pop-up where you can enter the ASINs you want to target in this goal separated by new line.

Once complete, press "add to goal".

*Step 6 is optional. If it's not relevant for this goal, skip to step 7*

6. Next, click the arrow to expand the Campaign Management section. Here, you can choose between 3 bidding strategies you want applied to the goal. The options are:

  • Dynamic Bids - Down

  • Dynamic Bids - Up & Down

  • Fixed Bids

Click the "learn more" button or hover over the "?" beside each strategy to view a definition and understand how they operate.

From there, if you'd like to apply any placement multipliers for Top of Search or Product pages, enter those percentages in their respective fields.

7. Finally, enter a name for your goal and click "Launch Goal" to finalize.


  • We currently cannot target auto or category targets

  • If you add a target to a Custom Goal that exists in a multi-campaign (classic) goal, then the goal with the higher bid and more relevant search term should get the traffic

    • If you want the Custom Goal to get more spend, you should set a target ACoS that is higher than the one on the multi-campaign goal

    • Adding a target to a Custom Goal does not affect the same target in a multi-campaign goal (the target will not be paused or archived). If you want to prevent overlap, you will need to manually pause the target in the multi-campaign goal.

  • If a Custom Goal has similar products to a multi-campaign goal, we will account for that when calculating bids and harvesting. The bid calculation logic does not change between multi-campaign and single-campaign goals.

  • Bids will be calculated based on search term performance on the entire account.

  • New keywords are expected to be added 1-2 times per day when the engine runs.

Article last updated November 2023. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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