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Adding Keyword and ASIN Targets

How do I add keyword and ASIN targets to an Amazon campaign in Perpetua?

Linda Wan avatar
Written by Linda Wan
Updated over a week ago

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Perpetua automatically harvests high-performing keywords and ASINs. However, if you have keywords or ASINs that you believe will be successful, there's an easy way to add them to your goals.

If you're unsure what targets should be in your goals, click here to get a better idea.

How to Add Targets

1️⃣ Select the Goal
Click on the desired goal and then the Targets tab in the table below. In the top right-hand corner of this section, click the "+" button and select "Add Targets" from the dropdown.

2️⃣ Define your Targets
In the pop-up that appears, select whether you want to add keywords or product targets. This will determine what kind of information needs to be entered.

  • For keyword targets, you'll need to indicate what kind of match type you'd like them to be. This includes exact, phrase, and broad match types.

  • For product targets, you'll simply need to enter the ASINs themselves with no additional requirements

3️⃣ Enter your Targets
Next, enter your targets separated by a new line and any additional details, like your match types, for example. Once complete, press the "Add Targets" button.

🚨Note: Ensure not to leave any blank spaces at the end of your list, as this will generate an error. 🚨

4️⃣ Add your Targets
You'll then see all of your new targets in the section on the right. If all looks good, press "Add Targets to Goal" to finalize.

🚨 Note: If you have keyword harvesting turned ON, then the system will automatically add new targets to your campaigns and include all 3 match types when doing so. This means that if you add keyword targets and only select 1 or 2 of the 3 match types, the third one could eventually get added. If you do not want Perpetua to add new targets, then you must turn keyword harvesting OFF. Please click here for instructions. If you want Perpetua to continue harvesting keywords, but there is only one match type you do not want for a particular keyword, simply pause the match types you do not want for that keyword.

5️⃣ User Added Flag
Once the targets have been added, they'll be displayed in the Targets tab of your goal with a "User Added" flag.

Article last updated January 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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