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How to Pause a Target

How do I pause or unpause Keyword, ASIN or Category targets within my goals?

Andrea Mamone avatar
Written by Andrea Mamone
Updated over 7 months ago

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Pausing Targets in-app

In this section, you'll learn how to pause targets for your Perpetua goals. This action can be performed from various dashboards, and different ways, within our app. Let's explore where and how:

1️⃣Pause Targets from Goal Deep Dive

  • Go to the Ad type tab (SP, SB, or SD) in the left side panel of your account (1) and locate the goal you want to pause under the "Goals" tab (2). Click on the desired goal (3).

  • Navigate to the "Targets" tab (1) located below the graph. Optionally, you can filter the status of your targets to view only paused or unpaused ones (2), depending on the action you want to take and the data you wish to access. Click the "Apply" purple button to save.

  • Tick the box off beside the targets you wish to pause (1) and click on the ⏸️ icon to pause the selected target (2). Selecting multiple checkboxes will enable you to perform the action on several targets simultaneously.

2️⃣ Pause Targets from Targets & Search

Option a) - for SP Classic Multi-Campaigns, SB and SD launched from Perpetua Goals.

  • Go to the "Targets & Search" tab in the left-side panel (1), then navigate to the "All Targets" tab within it (2). If needed, you can filter the targets by their status using the following filters (3).

  • Click on the added to expand. This will display the name of the goal the target belongs to:

Hover over the right side of the target to display the three dots icon (1), then click on it. From the list, select the "Pause" option (2) to pause the chosen target.
Selecting multiple checkboxes will enable you to perform the action on several targets simultaneously across different ad-type goals.

🚨 Note 🚨
The "All Targets" tab within "Targets & Search" will display targets belonging to SP Multi-Campaigns Classic goal, and SB and SD goals created from Perpetua. This means that taken-over campaigns' targets from your Amazon Ad console will not reflected in this dashboard.

Option b) - for SP Classic Multi-Campaigns Goals

  • Go to the "Targets & Search" tab in the left-side panel (1), then navigate to the "Sponsored Product Targets Management" tab within it (2). If needed, you can filter the targets by their status using the following filters (3).

  • Tick the box off beside the targets you wish to pause (1) and click on the ⏸️ icon to pause the selected target (2). Selecting multiple checkboxes will enable you to perform the action on several targets simultaneously.

Pausing Targets in Bulk (via CSV file)

The following procedure will instruct you about how to edit the status of your targets by using the CSV downloaded template from Perpetua on a goal level (not on an account level).

  • Access the SP, or SB goal, and navigate to the "Targets" tab within it (1). Click on the "Bulk Actions" icon (2) and Download the CSV Template (3)

  • On the file, edit the "Status" column from the CSV file you downloaded (column B) and edit the target status belonging to this goal by entering the "PAUSED" value in the respective rows.

  • After completing all the necessary edits, save the file in CSV format and upload it to Perpetua. To do this, log back into your Perpetua account and return to the same goal deep-dive dashboard where you initially downloaded the file.
    Go to the "Targets" tab (1) and click on the "Bulk Actions" icon (2). This time, select the "Upload Bulk Changes" option (3).

  • The upload will initiate and the edits will reflect on the goal level at the time the notification will show up on the top-right corner of the goal Dashboard.

Other Related Articles

For more information on keywords, check out the articles below:

If you have any questions, please reach your Data Strategist or contact us through our Live Chat Support and we'll be happy to assist.

Article last updated August 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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