🚨Note: Please ensure that your brand is registered as an approved brand with brandportal.walmart.com before launching an SB goal with Perpetua. Find out more from our Help Centre article here.🚨
Quick Links:
Navigate to Walmart Marketplace
At Perpetua, all of your marketplaces are found in one easy-to-use platform. Simply log in to your Perpetua.io account and navigate to the Walmart marketplace which is marked by the Walmart logo on the left-hand side of your dashboard.
Next, click on the Sponsored Brands tab found on your sidebar.
To begin launching a goal, click on the purple "New Goal" on your Sponsored Brands homepage.
Enter Creative & Ad Destination
The first step to creating a Sponsored Brands goal is to add your creative and ad description.
1️⃣ Headline
This is a short tagline that will appear under your logo in a Sponsored Brands ad. This tagline should help to display your brand personality.
🚨 Note: Your headline can be a maximum of 45 characters and contain your brand name, but not a competitor's name. 🚨
2️⃣ Logo Image
This is the logo of the brand that is consistently used among your content and recognizable to your customers.
The dimensions of your logo image should be 300px wide and 180px tall, and a PNG file for best quality and performance.
3️⃣ Landing Page URL
If a customer were to click on the logo or other white space on your Sponsored Brands ad, the landing page URL will direct the customer to a specific search page of your choosing. This URL must contain your brand name. Think of this as creating a brand page via a Walmart Search page.
💡Perpetua Tip💡
If you're unsure what to put here, go to www.walmart.com > search your brand name and input it into Perpetua.
The URL must be a Shelf, Search or Browser URL, and a maximum of 255 characters. If you have any of the following symbols in your URL, please replace them:
Double pipes "||" redirects to the Walmart home page.
Replace "||" with "%7C%7C"
Replace any ":" with "%3A"
Replace any "+" with "%20"
🚨 Note: If your brand is a 3P, please add the following to the end of the landing page URL you choose. Where it says "seller ID", insert your seller ID: &%20hidden_facet=retailer_id%3ASellerID.🚨
Enter Brand Name, Goal Name, Target ROAS & Budget
1️⃣ Brand Name
Your brand name should be no longer than 35 characters including spaces, and match the logo. The brand name should match the brand name you're using among the rest of your content and campaigns.
2️⃣ Goal Name
Your goal name can be a maximum of 60 characters. Your goal name won't show in your ad, but should be something that is easy for you to understand and relevant to the products included in the goal.
3️⃣ Target ROAS & Daily Budget
Enter your Target ROAS & daily budget. The budget must be set to a minimum of $50 (this requirement is a limitation of Walmart).
🚨 Note: Perpetua's Walmart Sponsored Brands does not currently support targeting types. This means that we will just be launching one singular manual campaign.🚨
Adding Products
Once you have created the goal, you must now select the products that you would like to include.
Click on the blank circle beside the products or input the Item IDs via the bulk add item IDs module.
If you do not see the product you would like to advertise, click on "bulk add item IDs" and input your 9-digit Walmart item ID.
If you don't know your item ID, this can be easily found either on your Walmart Seller Central account or by searching for your product on Walmart.com and using the last 9 digits found in the product's URL
Please note, that Walmart only allows advertising for base products, any variant product item IDs that you upload will recalibrate to the base product item ID
🚨 Note: To launch a Sponsored Brands goal, you will need to add a minimum of 2 products and a maximum of 10 products.🚨
Adding Keyword Targeting
Add each keyword into each match type, setting either an individual bid for each keyword or running a bid override that will set a designated bid across all keywords in that match type. To learn more about managing keywords refer to this article.
If you don't set a bid override, the ad engine will automatically use default bids.
🚨 Note: As of Q4 2023 Perpetua supports ad engine optimization for Sponsored Brands. This means that the ad engine will optimize your bids based on the target ROAS you input during goal set-up. If you don't input a target ROAS, your keywords will only operate at the default bid that is initially set. 🚨
Submitting For Review
Your Sponsored Brand goal will take approximately 24 - 48 hours to be reviewed by the Walmart team. During this period, please avoid making any changes to the goal. You won't receive a formal notification once your goal is published or rejected, so you'll have to come back and check!
Please refer to this article to learn more about the "Walmart Sponsored Brands Review Process".
Post Goal Launch
1️⃣ Turn off Pre-Perpetua Campaigns
Unlike our Amazon product, Perpetua does not currently support auto pausing any existing campaigns running through the Walmart's ad console.
Ensure that all existing campaigns that correspond with goals launched in Perpetua are paused via Walmart Advertising console.
If you do not pause these campaigns, you will have two identical campaigns running against each other. This will result in both wasted spend and poor performance.
🚨 Note: This is for those of you who had a Walmart account before using Perpetua's Walmart product. When you connect to Walmart through Perpetua, we create a new API Ads account. If you do not have an old Walmart account, you do not need to worry about pausing your old campaigns. More information here. To view your old account, you simply need to click on your brand name in the top right corner of your Walmart dashboard which will reveal a drop-down menu where you can select which account you are viewing. The Perpetua one has (1P/3P - API) in the title and is a read-only account. Click here to find out more. 🚨
2️⃣ Data Delay
There is a 48-hour delay for data pulled into Perpetua so you won't see any activity in your goals right away. If you still aren't seeing any spend after the 48-hour window, try decreasing Target ROAS to increase bids or reach out to hello@perpetua.io for support.
Article last updated March 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact hello@perpetua.io.