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Managing Walmart Keywords

Pausing, adding, and adjusting bids on Walmart keywords in Perpetua.

Written by Claire Lee
Updated over a year ago

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Manually Adding Keywords

You can manually add keywords to your existing goals to allow our AI-powered ad engine to take over optimizations on those targets!

🚨 Note: There is a maximum limit of 10 words per keyword and 80 characters (space Included). 🚨

  1. Click into the goal you'd like to add keywords to

2. Go to the "Keywords" tab

3. Click the "+" button at the right corner of the Keywords list table and click "Add Targets"

From here, you'll see a Keyword modal pop up!

In this view, you can:

  • Select 1 or multiple match types (Exact, Phrase, Broad) that you'd like to add to the keyword(s).

  • Enter a list of keywords (each separated by a comma or newline) you'd like to add to your goal.

  • If you'd like to bulk apply a bid for all your keywords, use the "Bid Override" section to input a fixed bid.

    🚨 Note: The bid you apply here will automatically be applied to the keywords you've added for 7 days. Once 7 days have passed, the bid will automatically be removed and our ad engine will takeover bid optimizations from that point forward.🚨

4. Once you've inputted your keywords and match types, click "Add to List". This will populate these keywords and their bids (default or bid override) to the right side of the keyword modal.

From here you can:

  • See an overview of all the keywords you are adding to the goal

  • Edit individual keyword bids

  • Delete keywords before adding them to your goal

5. Once you are satisfied with the keywords and their bids, click the "Add to Goal" button to add them to your goal!

🚨 Note: *If you do not set a bid override for your keyword(s), we will automatically apply an initial default bid(s) as seen below. These default bids will be applied for 7 days and then the override will be removed. At that point, our ad engine will take over and begin optimizing that bid based on the most relevant data. 🚨

Exact Match default bid = $1
Phrase Match default bid = $0.75
Broad Match default bid = $0.45

Pausing keywords

If you'd like to pause any keywords that our ad engine is currently bidding on:

  1. Click on the goal you'd like to add keywords to.

  2. Go to the "Keywords" tab.

  3. Select the keyword(s) you'd like to pause (you can bulk-select multiple keywords at once). Then, click the ⏸ button on the right corner of the Keyword list table

Manually Adjusting Keyword Bids

🚨 Note: The Experiments tab will not yet be available for the Walmart dashboard. :rot

Article last March 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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