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How Do I Increase Share of Voice (SOV) for Top-of-Search (TOS) Placements?
How Do I Increase Share of Voice (SOV) for Top-of-Search (TOS) Placements?
Mitchell Bergin avatar
Written by Mitchell Bergin
Updated over 6 months ago

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Features/Ad Units

  • Search Insights

  • Stream

  • Top of Search Optimization via KWB


  • TOS placement data within campaigns

  • Impressions

  • Sales

  1. If limited budget -> identify long tail keywords that are low in CPC

  2. If bigger budget - > identify keywords with a high search volume

Checklist Questions:

  • ✅ Who are your direct competitors? (i.e. brands that share the search terms and targeting).

  • ✅ What is your current CPC?

  • ✅ Does my SOV correlate directly with more sales and organic rank increase?

The Importance of PDP

Before we talk about the TOS and SOV methods, optimizing your product listings is crucial. This involves crafting compelling titles, detailed descriptions, and using relevant keywords. High-quality images and engaging copy significantly impact click-through rates.

Method 1️⃣ - Target Isolation

Use either Keyword Boost or Custom Goals based on your preference to either group the campaign or run it separately while targeting specific terms for a higher share of voice at the top of search results. By isolating these terms, you can independently manage their bids.

Method 2️⃣ - Top of Search Optimization via KWB

Utilize Keyword Boost to prioritize optimizing for Top of Search rather than focusing on Target ACoS. Our system will dynamically adjust bids based on the placement at the top of search results.

For example, if you're targeting the specific term "shoes" and aiming for approximately 40% share of voice at the top of search daily, create a Keyword Boost campaign with the ASIN and exact match for "shoes." When your term secures the top placement, our system will gradually decrease the bid until you lose that top position. However, it will promptly increase the bid again.

The rationale behind this strategy is to help advertisers secure top search placements at the lowest feasible cost.

Method 3️⃣ - Top of Search Multiplier via Advanced Settings

In the advanced settings, there is a feature for enhancing Top of Search visibility known as the Top of Search multiplier. Initially, set a 120% optimization for Top of Search and enable Dynamic Bidding Up & Down to take an assertive approach with TOS bids. If performance proves effective, consider raising the multiplier by 20% while closely observing performance and Share of Voice. Remember, an aggressive multiplier may result in higher CPC and potentially lower initial returns. We recommend running this strategy for a minimum of 4 weeks to gain a comprehensive understanding of its performance.

How Do I Measure Impact?

Assess the effectiveness of your applied strategies by examining your Search Insights data. Ensure you're monitoring the specific keyword you're bidding aggressively on, and create a graph illustrating the share of voice percentage for Top of Search placements over the last 7 days or hourly.

In the case that you are utilizing a Keyword Boost, access the Experiments tab to evaluate the performance of the targets you're boosting. Analyze metrics like CTR, CVR, impressions, CPC, and others to gain insights into their performance.

Perpetua has released two metrics at the target level to help measure success on TOS domination. These two metrics are available in two views:

  1. Targets Tab in goal deep dive

  2. Target deep dive

ToS impression share = TOS impressions for your keyword asin pair / TOS impressions for the search query

  • This metric represents the percentage of TOS impressions your campaign received out of the total TOS impressions it was eligible to serve on.

  • This metric being low means you may be losing out on auctions.

  • This metric is also available in the Amazon console.

ToS placement rate = TOS impressions /total impressions for TOS, ROS and PDP placements

  • This metric represents the percentage of impressions from TOS placements.

  • This metric being low means you might be showing up on other non-TOS placements more.

  • This metric is a Perpetua-derived metric.


  1. What is the TOS placement for a PAT target?

    • Learn more about how PAT targets and dark search work in this blog.

  2. Why am I seeing ToS impression share in the amazon console for some keywords, but Perpetua is showing null?

    • Due to constraints on our data syncing process, targets with 0 click won't be syncing their TOS impression share. If your targets have 0 click, you might see TOS impression share still showing up in the Amazon console but not in the Perpetua app.

  3. How are you aggregating these two metrics?

    • If date range 'April 1st to April 6th' is selected (6 days) and we had ToS impression share 10% on April 1st, 25% on April 3nd, but 0 on the other days. Then the averaged ToS impression share for the 'April 1st to 6th' period is calculated as below:

      (10% + 25%) / 2 = 17.5%

  4. Why am I seeing a discrepancy between the ToS IS shown in the Perpetua app and the ToS IS shown in the console?

    • We receive the ToS impression share metric at the target level per day from Amazon in the format of a percentage. To calculate the average for a duration of days, we are simply doing sum(ToS impression share percentages on these days) / number of days.

    • In Amazon console, Amazon may have the raw data to calculate the average by doing sum(ToS impressions for your keyword-asin pair for the selected days)/sum(ToS impressions for the search queries).

Article last updated Apirl 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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