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Search Insights

An introduction to Perpetua Search Insights and how to leverage share of voice data to see how you rank amongst your competitors on Amazon

Gloria Steiner avatar
Written by Gloria Steiner
Updated over a week ago

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Search Insights is a Perpetua feature that gives Growth, Pro and Enterprise users access to Share-of-Voice (SOV) and Organic Rank (OR) data not available on the Amazon Ad console. For more information on our pricing plans, please click here.

Search Insights offers SOV and OR data at an hourly granularity for the Top 100,000 search terms on Amazon globally. You can also track terms outside of the "global set". Packages of 25 custom terms can be purchased for $50 each.

  • You will only be able to see the terms associated with your region. For example, if I am advertising on Amazon UK, I will see the top terms in the UK only.

  • Each additional set of 25 custom terms will cost another $50. For instructions on how to add/remove/change/increase your custom term quota, click here.

  • The total you are paying for Search Insights is the "Keyword Intelligence Fee" on your invoice. For more information on your invoice breakdown, please click here.

  • The 25 custom terms will be shared across all accounts on the same billing plan.

Perpetua combs Amazon hourly to obtain this data, which means that it is more accurate than data you can get on any other software platform, or ~6x more than industry norms! Once again, this data is not available at all through Amazon.

1️⃣ Share of Voice
Is the percentage of first-page search results that are made up by your products for a given search term. Think of this as the digital shelf space that you own. For example, if there are 4 sponsored product placements at the top of the search results page, and all 4 of them display your product listings, then you have 100% SP Top of Search Share of Voice. Share of Voice metrics are vital because they represent the relative success of your brand on any given search relative to your competition and are directly correlated with total revenue growth.

  • SP Top of Search = The sponsored products ad placements that appear in the first row on the first page of search results. There are typically 4

  • SP Bottom of Search = The last row, sometimes a carousel

  • SP Middle of Search = All SP ad placements in between

2️⃣ Organic Rank
It is the position on the results page where your product(s) appear, beginning after the Top-of-Search sponsored placements. 1 means that your product appears first (this is ideal).

🚨 Note: Find out more about "How to Access Search Insights" from this article here. 🚨

My Brands

Search Insights offers two dashboards: My Brands and All Search Terms.
Once you click Search Insights, you can flip between the two using the tabs at the top.

Through the "My Brands" tab, you can view your share of voice (SOV) and organic rank for a brand.

Using the 3 drop-down menus, users can select a brand and view SOV by placement (eg. Top of search, Middle of Search, etc.) at an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly time interval over the selected date range. The results will be presented in a table, and only search terms on which your brand has a presence will be displayed.
If you do not appear at all on the first page of search results for a given search term, the given search term will not show up in the table. However, the same term will be searchable in the All Search Terms dashboard if it is part of the global set or added manually by you as a custom term. Users can then view organic rank by clicking on a search term in that list.

The search terms will be listed in order of descending SOV %. In other words, the search terms for which you have the highest SOV % will be shown first. Since the table is also a heat map, the higher SOV percentages will be shown in a darker shade of purple. This visualisation technique is brand new at Perpetua! 🎉

For example, I sell baby products from many brands. I want to view the brand Pamper (an American diaper brand) and its search term data.

These are the steps I will follow:

1️⃣ Go to "My Brands"
Make 3 selections in the drop-down menus on My Brands: brand, ad placement, and time interval.

  • Select the brand. Please note that the options listed will only include the brands that you submitted in your form when you subscribed to this feature.

  • Select the placement you are interested in. The options will include: Organic, SP Top of Search, SP Middle of Search, SB Bottom of Search, SB Product Collection, SB Video and Editorial Recommendations. (If you do not know what Editorial Recommendations are, we have a separate article here.) Any placements past the first page are not included.

  • Select a time interval. The options are: hourly, daily, weekly and monthly.

2️⃣ Select a Time Range
Use the date picker in the upper right corner to choose the date range. The data will load after all selections have been made.

🚨Note: If you select a date range past the lookback window for the time interval, our system will automatically show the most recent available data.
For example, hourly data has a history of 7 days. This means that we only have hourly data up to 7 days ago. If my date range is May 16th to August 8th, and I'm viewing hourly data, the system will only populate the table with hourly data from August 2nd to August 8th.
I cannot see hourly data before August 2nd. Please note that there will be a delay in displaying hourly data for the last day (in this case, August 8th) as it takes some time to pull in data in the last couple of hours.🚨

🚨 Note: No data available will be displayed if you select an interval that is impossible to graph based on the date range selected. In the example below, I selected a monthly time interval in the last drop-down menu, for the date range September 8th to September 14th. It is impossible to view monthly data, if I only picked a 7-day date range.🚨

3️⃣ Heat Map Data Review
Now you can easily visualize the times when your brand dominated the digital shelf space for select keywords; this would be where I see darker colours, which represent a higher SOV %. Alternatively, you can also see where your brand has less presence; this would be where you see lighter colours representative of a lower SOV %.

4️⃣ Search Term Deep-dive
Click on any search term in the table to view the SOV breakdown by brand to compare your brand's SOV to competitors in a stacked bar graph, and ASINs that rank organically for this search term.

  • Hover over the shaded area of the stacked bar graph to expose the brand name and percentages.

🚨Note: If the number of competitor brands exceeds 9, then you will see a category called "Other" in the legend next to the graph.🚨

  • Scroll down to view a list of ASINs that rank organically on this term.

  • Select the ASIN on the left to see how its organic rank changed over time in the graph on the right.

  • Hover over the graph to expose the organic rank position.

All Search Terms

Search Insights offers two dashboards: My Brands and All Search Terms.
Once you click Search Insights, you can flip between the two using the tabs at the top.

Through the "All Search Terms" tab, you can view Share of Voice (SOV) for a search term broken down by brand in a stacked bar graph and organically ranked ASINs for a brand. The stacked bar graph is a brand-new visualisation technique at Perpetua! 🎉

Using the search bar and 2 drop-down menus, users can enter a search query (anything a shopper would search), and view SOV by placement (eg. Top of search, Middle of Search, etc.) over an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly time interval.

🚨 Note: You will not be able to search for any terms that are not included in the Top 100,000 terms. You must add these terms as custom terms. Click here to find out how to add custom terms.🚨

For example, I sell baby products. I want to view how different brands compare to the search term "diaper".
Here are the steps I will follow:

1️⃣ Enter your Search Term
Enter your search term in the search bar and make 2 selections using the drop-down menus:

  • In my example, I will input "diaper" in the search bar.

  • Select the placement you are interested in. The options will include Organic, SP Top of Search, SP Middle of Search, SB Bottom of Search, SB Product Collection, SB Video and Editorial Recommendations. (If you do not know what Editorial Recommendations are, we have a separate article here.) Any placements past the first page is not included.

  • Select the time interval. The options are: hourly, daily, weekly and monthly.

2️⃣ Select a Time Range
Next, use the date picker in the upper right corner to choose the date range. The data will load after all selections have been made.

🚨 Note: If you select a date range past the lookback window for the time interval, our system will automatically show the most recent available data. For example, hourly data has a history of 7 days. This means that we only have hourly data up to 7 days ago. If my date range is May 16th to August 8th, and I'm viewing hourly data, the system will only populate the table with hourly data from August 2nd to August 8th. I cannot see hourly data before August 2nd. Please note that there will be a delay in displaying hourly data for the last day (in this case, August 8th) as it takes some time to pull in data in the last couple of hours.🚨

🚨 Note: No data available will be displayed if you select an interval that is impossible to graph based on the date range selected. In the example below, I selected a monthly time interval in the last drop-down menu, for the date range September 8th to September 14th. It is impossible to view monthly data if I only pick a 7-day date range. 🚨

3️⃣ Data Review
Now you can easily compare your brand's SOV against your competitors in a stacked bar graph and ASINs that rank organically for this search term.

  • Hover over the shaded area of the stacked bar graph to expose the brand name and percentages.

    🚨Note: If the number of competitor brands exceeds 9, then you will see a category called "Other" next to the graph.🚨

  • Scroll down to view a list of ASINs that rank organically on this term.

  • Select the ASIN on the left to see how its organic rank changed over time in the graph on the right.

  1. Hover over the graph to expose the organic rank position.

What Regions is Search Insights available in?

At this time, Search Insights is only available in the following countries: Italy, Spain, Arab Emirates, Sweden, United Kingdoms, India, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Poland, France, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, United States

Article last updated March 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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