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How to Add a Negative Match

Explore the options to negative match targets in-app or using Bulk Operations.

Andrea Mamone avatar
Written by Andrea Mamone
Updated over 3 months ago

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Add a Negative Match in-app

In this section, you'll learn how to apply negative matches to your keywords and search terms directly from the app. This action can be performed from various dashboards, and different ways, within our app. Let's explore where and how:

1️⃣Negative Match Existing Keywords

  • Option a) From the Goal Deep-dive dashboard
    Click on the goal where you want to apply the negative match and go to the "Targets" tab (1). Browse through the targets and select the one you wish to negative match. Move to the right side until you see the three dots appear. Click on the three dots (2) and select "Negative Match" (3).

  • Option b) From the Targets & Search Terms dashboard
    Navigate to the "Targets & Search Terms" tab on the left-side panel (1), then select the "Targets" tab (2), and finally click on "All Targets" (3) to find your existing targets for your Perpetua Classic Goal. To apply the negative match, go to the right side of the target you want to modify, click on the three dots (4), and select the Negative match option from the list (5).

🚨 Note 🚨
If the target you wish to negative match belongs to more than 1 goal, expand the arrow beside the target (1), tick off the box related to the Perpetua goal (2) and select the Negative option from the list (3):

2️⃣Add New Negative Match

  • Click on the goal where you want to apply the negative match and go to the "Targets" tab (1). Click on the ➕ icon (2) and select "Add Negative Match" (3).

  • In the next pop-up window, choose the type of Negative Targeting you want to apply. You can switch between Keyword Targets or Product Matches (1).
    If you select Keyword Target, you'll be able to choose between Exact or Phrase match (2), as Broad match is not supported on Amazon.
    Enter the keywords or ASINs, ensuring there are no trailing spaces. Add the negative matches (3) and save your changes by clicking the "Add Negative Matches to Goal" button, which will be highlighted in purple (4).

3️⃣Add Negative Search Terms

Click on the goal where you want to apply the negative match and go to the "Search Terms" tab (1). Browse through the terms and select the one you wish to negative match. Move to the right side until you see the three dots appear. Click on the three dots (2) and select "Add Negative Match" (3).

🚨 Note 🚨
When negative matching directly from the "Search Terms" tab, this means it will negative match it at the goal level, not whatever ad group the keyword is in.

Add a Negative Match in Bulk (via CSV File)

For Sponsored Products only, the following procedure will guide you through adding negative matches to multiple existing goals within your account.

If you’re interested in learning how to add negative matches (and execute other actions) in bulk for a single goal, click here for more information.

🚨 Note 🚨

  • Negative matches cannot be removed using this template. Please remove them directly in the app or use the dedicated template available for download in each goal's deep-dive dashboard.

  • You cannot apply a negative match to Broad Match and Category targets.

1️⃣ Navigate to the "Bulk Operations" tab in your left sidebar and select "Bulk Edit & Create".

2️⃣ Set "Granularity Level", "Ad Type" and "Performance Date Range"

  • From the "Granularity Level" drop-down list, select "Goals & Segments".

  • The "Ad Type" is set by default with "Sponsored Products".

  • The "Performance Date Range" field is where you indicate the time period you'd like to be used when pulling your goal performance data into the CSV file.
    A "Last 7 Days" or "Last 30 Days" time range can be applied.
    🚨 Note: This information will be presented in columns S through AD and is limited to a 30-day period. 🚨

3️⃣ Click the "Download Custom Spreadsheet" button.

4️⃣ Edit the Downloaded Spreadsheet

Enter your negative matches into the respective fields:

  • Column: Q, R

  • Rows: MultiCampaign_Goal (for Classic Goal) OR SingleCampaign_KW / SingleCampaign_PAT (for Custom Single Campaign Goals).

  • Separate them by comma if adding multiple.

  • Ensure no commas are entered as the last value at the end of your list.

5️⃣Upload Your File
Navigate back to the "Bulk Operations" tab in Perpetua and click on the uploading section that will allow you to select the file you edited (and download in CSV format).

Other Related Articles

For more information on negative keywords and how to remove them, check out the articles below:

If you have any questions, please reach your Data Strategist or contact us through our Live Chat Support and we'll be happy to assist.

Article last updated August 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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