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Bulk Actions for Targets

How to make bulk changes to your keyword and ASIN targets in your Sponsored Products goals using Perpetua's CSV upload feature

Gloria Steiner avatar
Written by Gloria Steiner
Updated over a week ago

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Things to Note:

  • To learn how to conduct bulk operations for your goals & segments, please review this article.

  • To learn how to conduct bulk operations for your campaigns, please review this article.

  • To learn how to conduct bulk operations for your Sponsored Brands goals, please review this article.

CSV Breakdown & Bulk Actions for Targets

Listed below are the current actions you can perform on your Sponsored Products targets using the bulk CSV file:

  • Pause and enable targets

  • Add new keywords and ASIN targets

  • Add negative matches

  • Apply fixed and AI-powered bid adjustments

🚨 Things to be aware of:

  • You cannot archive targets

  • You cannot add new category targets

  • You cannot apply a negative match to a category target

  • The maximum bid multiplier you can use if 5x for a dynamic bid adjustment

CSV Breakdown

  • COLUMN A (Is Negative?)

    • This is where you can indicate whether a target is a negative match or not

    • Set the status as YES if it is and NO if it isn't for changing the target status.

  • COLUMN B (Status)

    • Refers to the status of your target

    • It will say Enabled if the target is active and Paused if it's inactive

  • COLUMN C (Target)

    • Displays the target itself

  • COLUMN D (Type)

    • Specifies the target type.

    • For keywords, this will be BROAD, PHRASE, or EXACT.

    • For ASIN or category targets, it will say TARGETING_EXPRESSION.

  • COLUMN E (Bid Adjustment - Fixed) and F (Bid Adjustment Multiplier)

    • These columns are used to apply bid adjustments. Only one of the two columns need to be completed.

    • Enter a value (ex. 1.00) in column E if you want to apply a fixed bid.

    • Enter a value between 0.05 to 5 in column F if you want to use an AI-powered, dynamic bid multiplier.

  • COLUMN G (Duration)

    • Used to set the duration for your bid adjustment. You have 3 options, a value between 1-30, Always, or Ended.

      • Entering a value between 1 and 30 means you want the experiment to expire. For example, 7 means that the bid adjustment will only run for 7 days.

        • Note: If I start a bid adjustment today at 11AM and select a 7-day duration, it would end at 11AM on the 7th day.

      • ENDED means the bid adjustment experiment is stopped.

        • Reminder: You must input ENDED to stop a bid adjustment. Deleting the row will do nothing.

      • ALWAYS means that the experiment will be ON and never end.

  • COLUMNS H (Description), I (Errors), and J (Warnings)

    • If any errors exist after trying to upload the file, the details of those errors will be displayed here. Resolve the states issues, save the file, and re-upload to try again.

    • These columns will be empty unless the system detected errors in the template.

NOTE: Columns may differ between Multi-Ad Group and Single Ad Group goals.

Performing Bulk Changes for Targets

  1. Click on Sponsored Products on the left sidebar and then your goal in the table below goal. Once you are in the goal, click the Targets tab.

  2. Press the Bulk Operations icon on the upper right corner of the Targets list.

  3. Select Download CSV Template to generate and download the file.

4. After opening the file, make your desired changes by changing the column contents. If you want to add targets, you will need to fill out a new row on the spreadsheet. For a complete breakdown of each column in the CSV and what its function is, please refer to the column breakdown above.

5. Save the changes in the template. Upload the updated .csv file to Perpetua by repeating steps 1-2 but clicking on Upload CSV instead. After you select the file, you will see a progress bar showing the completion rate of the upload.

6. Once the upload is successful, a pop-up message will appear in the upper right corner to confirm that the changes have been updated. If the upload fails, a red error message will appear instead. The section below reviews the steps you can take to resolve the problems.

Bulk Changes in the "Sponsored Products Management" Tab

If you'd like to make bulk changes to your SP targets across your Sponsored Products Classic and Custom Goals, directly in Perpetua rather than with a CSV, you can now do this in the Sponsored Products Targets Management tab within the Targets & Search tab. This is a great way to save time on target management without ever having to click into each individual Sponsored Products goal directly.

To do this, navigate to Targets & Search in your left sidebar and then the Sponsored Products Targets Management section within the Targets tab.

From here, you can select any desired targets by checking off their box and complete the following actions for the targets in this list:

  • Pause and enable targets

  • Apply bid adjustments

  • Use filters to narrow the search for your target

🚨 Additional important notes regarding this functionality:

  • You can select a maximum of 300 targets to modify at one time.

  • The "ad group" column will only contain data if the target is in a multi-ad group single campaign goal.

  • The list of targets excludes Archived targets.

  • The list of targets will exclude any targets that were added to a goal less than 24 hours ago.

  • The list of targets will exclude any targets that don't have data during the 30 days leading up to the start of the selected date range through the end of the chosen date range.

  • Known Issue: Multi-ad group campaigns which were taken over before Nov 28, 2023 and had paused targets before the takeover, will show these targets as enabled in this tab.

    • The true status is still paused, as it was pre-takeover. The correct status is still reflected within the Goal itself.

    • Manually applying any status update (either pause or enable) to the impacted targets from within Perpetua will resolve the inconsistency. This status update can be made either in the Goal or within this tab.

Text-Based Filters

Among the filtering options is the ability to filter by text fields. You can filter the Targets, Goal Name and Ad Group Name columns using the Rules: 'Contains', 'Does not contain', 'Starts with' and 'Ends with'. You can also stack filters in an AND or an OR manner.

Article last updated February 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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