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Multi-Account Executive Dashboard

What is a multi-account executive dashboard and how can I set it up?

Mitchell Bergin avatar
Written by Mitchell Bergin
Updated over a week ago

This article will guide you through the following:

What Is A Multi-Account Executive Dashboard?

If you manage multiple accounts within Perpetua (such as multiple brands or seller/vendor accounts), you likely need a tool that empowers you to view both consolidated and individual account performance. Well, our new multi-account executive dashboard does just that!

The multi-account executive dashboard allows advertisers to see Perpetua account performance for a group of accounts in various views:

  1. Performance by stage of the funnel

  2. Performance by geography (i.e. EU, JP, MX, US, etc)

  3. Performance by marketplace

  4. Performance by ad-type

How Can I Access My Multi-Account Executive Dashboard?

Step 1: Set up a manager account

  • Please refer to this article to learn what a manager account is and how to set it up

Step 2: Access the executive dashboard

  • Once your manager account is set up, please click on the executive dashboard icon within the app

Step 3: Click into the right arrow icon which will display all of your accounts or current manager accounts

a) click into the manager account you would like to access

b) to view the multi-account dashboard for that group of accounts, click the first option on the list - "All (Manager Account Name)"

What Information Can I Access In My Multi-Account Dashboard?

The Multi-Account Executive Dashboard allows you to access the same capabilities as the singular account executive dashboard - other than the fact that you are able to see consolidated data for multiple accounts within this view.

Please refer to this article to better understand the capabilities of an executive dashboard.

Performance by Account

Performance by account is the biggest differentiator in a multi-account executive dashboard.

Performance by account will be displayed in both a table and graph form. An example is shown in the image below.

As usual, you are able to customize the metrics you can see, and generate a .csv export of the data displayed for the date range you have selected.

If you click into an individual account, that will direct you to the account-level executive dashboard.

Note: The monthly budget utilization tab is displaying data for only Amazon accounts

How Can I Change The Currency On My Account

You can change the currency of your manager account by click the currency on the top banner of your multi-account executive dashboard. The change will persist across the rest of the view of that manager account.

Managing My Multi-Account Executive Dashboard

If you would like to edit which accounts are in your multi-account dashboard, you can simply click on the settings tab at the top of your executive level dashboard which will bring you to the manager account level settings.

To learn more about manager account level settings, please refer to this article!

Need helping setting up your multi-account executive dashboard? Please reach out directly to your Data Strategist, through our in-app chat tool or email us at

Article last updated March 2023. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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