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How to Launch a Sponsored Display Goal

Benefits of using SD ads, and a step-by-step manual on how to launch a sponsored display goal on Perpetua

Gloria Steiner avatar
Written by Gloria Steiner
Updated over a week ago

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Perpetua's Sponsored Display feature can be broken down into 2 types: Contextual Targeting (CT) and Audiences Targeting (aka. Remarketing).

Within each targeting type, we offer pre-made strategies called "segments" to help you input your objectives. Below is our SD structure breakdown.

1️⃣ Contextual Targeting segments

  • Competitor Product Targeting: Capture traffic from competitor product pages.

  • Brand Defense Product Targeting: Appear on your own pages to cross-sell, upsell, and dominate your own search space to protect your brand against competitors.

  • Custom ASINs Product Targeting: Target a customized group of products of your choice.

2️⃣ Audience Targeting segments

  • Advertised Products Views Remarketing: Target shoppers who viewed products in this goal [over the past 30 days] but did not purchase them.

  • Similar Products Views Remarketing: Target shoppers who viewed products similar to products in this goal [over the past 30 days] and did not purchase them.

  • Custom Views Remarketing: Target shoppers who viewed specific categories, brands and/or product features but didn't purchase.

Benefits of Using Sponsored Display Ads

  • Can boost exposure for any new product listings

  • Can bring more traffic to your product detail pages (it's the best way to appear above the fold!)

  • Allows you to competitor conquest by placing your products under your competitors' listings.

  • Reach a broader audience and increase brand awareness.

  • Takes advantage of the keyword and ASIN targets that have been harvested from Sponsored Products campaigns and utilizes this data in Sponsored Display campaigns.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Go to the "Sponsored Display" tab on the menu:

​2. Scroll down below the graph and click "New Goal".

​3. Select your products. You can select more than 1 product. You can also have the same ASIN for multiple goals.

4. Click the "Add Segment" button.

5. Select one segment from the list:

🚨 Note: The creation of each segment will create one campaign on Amazon. 🚨

6. Input your target Target ACoS and Daily Budget amount and click "Create Segment".

🚨Note: The minimum Daily Budget is $5 per segment.🚨

7. If you wish to have another segment within this goal, click "Add Segment".

🚨 Note: Your goal can have 1 of each Base Segment and multiple Custom Segments. You can view the badge displayed under each segment showing on the list.🚨

8. When you have added all the segments you want, scroll down and name your goal. Finally, click "Launch Goal".

9. Now you have launched a new SD goal which can be viewed in your SD goals list.

🚨Note: For a list of common FAQs, please click here. 🚨

Article last updated March 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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