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Managing Sponsored Display Goals

How to edit and manage your Perpetua Sponsored Display goals.

Andrea Mamone avatar
Written by Andrea Mamone
Updated over a week ago

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Edit Target ACoS and Daily Budget

The minimum Daily Budget is $5 per segment.

Option a)

1️⃣ Click on the "Sponsored Display" tab in the left-hand panel (1). In the Goals list, scroll down to the goal you want to edit. Hover over the Target ACoS or Budget of the goal and click the pencil icon that appears on the right side (2).

2️⃣ In the pop-up window, input the new value and click "Confirm" to save

Option b)

1️⃣ Click on the "Sponsored Display" tab in the left-hand panel (1). In the Goals list, scroll down to the goal you want to edit and click on it (2) to access the Goal Deep Dive's dashboard.

2️⃣ Access the "Segments" tab (1) and locate the segment you wish to edit Target ACOS and Daily Budget. Hover over the Target ACoS or Budget of the segment and click the pencil icon that appears on the right side (2).

3️⃣ In the pop-up window, input the new value and click "Confirm" to save.

Pause and Delete Goals

🚨 Note🚨
Applying this action to a goal level will pause/delete all segments in the Sponsored Display goal.

  • Click on the "Sponsored Display" tab in the left-hand panel (1). In the Goals list, scroll down to the goal you want to pause/edit. Hover over the three dots and select the option from the drop-down list that you wish to apply to the goal, and all segments within it (2).

Pause and Delete Segments

1️⃣ Click on the "Sponsored Display" tab in the left-hand panel (1). In the Goals list, scroll down to the goal you want to edit and click on it to access the Goal Deep Dive's dashboard.

2️⃣ Access the "Segments" tab (1)and locate the segment you wish to pause/delete. Hover over the three dots appearing on the right side of the segment (2) and click them to view the drop-down list (3) where you can select the action you wish to apply.

Add Segments

🚨 Note🚨

  • Each segment created will create one campaign on Amazon.

  • The minimum Daily Budget is $5 per segment.

  • Your goal can have 1 of each Base Segment and multiple Custom Segments.

1️⃣ Click on the "Sponsored Display" tab in the left-hand panel (1). In the Goals list, scroll down to the goal you want to add a new segment and click on it to access the Goal Deep Dive's dashboard.

2️⃣ Access the "Segments" tab (1) and click on the "Add Segment" option (2)

3️⃣ Base and Custom segments will have a slightly different creation flow:

  • Base Segments: Enter your Target ACoS and Daily Budget amount (1) and click "Create Segment" (2).

  • Custom Segments: In addition to setting Target ACOS and Daily Budget, custom segments offer a more detailed way to configure your advertising. For example, "Custom ASIN Product Targeting" allows you to specify the ASIN targets you want to bid on.

    The "Custom Views Remarketing Targets" allows you to define a specific audience. Click on the "Add" purple button to select them from the proposed list.

    Additionally, you can name both segments according to your preferences.

Edit Segments

1️⃣ Click on the "Sponsored Display" tab in the left-hand panel (1). In the Goals list, scroll down to the goal you want to edit and click on it to access the Goal Deep Dive's dashboard.

2️⃣ Access the "Segments" tab (1)and locate the segment you wish to pause/delete. Hover over the three dots appearing on the right side of the segment (2) and click them to view the drop-down list (3) where you can select the "Edit" option.

3️⃣ Depending on the type of segment you wish to edit (Base or Custom), the edit flow will vary. Apply the edits to the pop-up window and click on the "Update Segment" purple button to save the changes.

Article last updated August 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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