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Pausing Targets

How do I pause or unpause Keyword, ASIN or Category targets within my goals?

Mitchell Bergin avatar
Written by Mitchell Bergin
Updated over a week ago

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Pausing a Target

To pause a target, navigate to the Target tab within the goal. From there, find the target that you would like to pause, select the arrow to the left of the target and select "Pause"

Unpausing a Target

To unpause a target, navigate to the Target tab within the goal. From there, find the target that you would like to unpause, select the arrow to the left of the target and select "Optimize"

Pausing Multiple Targets at Once

You may have multiple targets that you want to pause at the same time. To do this, first navigate to the Target tab within the goal. Select the targets you want to pause, and then click on the "Pause" icon that will appear in the top right corner of the target list. 

🚨Note: read the "Bulk Actions for Targets" article if you would like to make bulk changes to your keyword and ASIN targets in your Sponsored Products goals using Perpetua's CSV upload feature. 🚨

Article last updated January 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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