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SP Custom Reporting - Generate a Custom Report with Perpetua
SP Custom Reporting - Generate a Custom Report with Perpetua

How to generate a Custom Report on System-Defined dimensions & Product Tags

Andrea Mamone avatar
Written by Andrea Mamone
Updated over a week ago

🚨 Note 🚨
This feature supports Sponsored Product goals only.

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With this feature, you can generate custom reports within Perpetua. You can swiftly create personalized reports on various advertisement dimensions, select specific rows, define breakdowns, and choose essential metrics. Custom reports work similarly to the pivot table of Excel which allows you to analyze data in different dimensions.

All this information is then visualized in detailed tables or intuitive graphs. Moreover, with precise filtering capabilities on tags/properties of Goals, Segments, and Campaigns, along with metric-based criteria, you can produce highly specific and accurate reports.

Furthermore, effortlessly manage and share your insights: customize your reports by saving, updating, or deleting them to keep relevant data at hand. Seamlessly share these reports with clients or export them in a CSV format for external presentations.

The Importance of Custom Reporting

🌟 Enhanced Reporting Capability: It enables you to generate custom reports directly within the Perpetua app, eliminating the need for external services.

🌟User-Friendly Customization: Unlike other reports that only allow users to select or deselect performance metrics, this feature offers a high degree of flexibility. You can enable/disable configurations, specify values and apply filters to further fine-tune the data.

🌟Advanced Filtering Options: Other reports offer limited data viewing options; for instance, filtering specific goal names in the SP section does not adjust the totals in the top graph. With SP Custom Reporting, you can select any portfolio, goal, campaign, ASIN, etc., and view the corresponding data, including adjusted totals when multiple properties are selected

🌟Easy Management: You can download the generated report as a CSV file allowing for internal sharing and further offline analysis.

The Report's Configuration

1️⃣ Configuration - Introduction

When creating a personalized report using Perpetua, you need to choose a set of configurations (at least 1 row and 1 column) to construct it.
Upon accessing the "SP Custom Reporting" tab, click on the "Create Report" purple button and you will encounter the following screen, prompting you to select the "Configuration" required for your report:

2️⃣ Configuration - Review

Let's review what they imply and how they can help to build your report.
Click on the ▶️icon to expand/view the content of each:

📒Date Range


Define the date range for which the report needs to be generated by applying a manual "Start & End" date or selecting one of the preset dates.

In-app Visualization

  • Click on the time range selector:

  • Select a Custom time range, or select a default one available from the left-side panel of the time range selector.

📘Rows (Dimensions)


Also known as "Dimensions", can be designated to constitute the rows of your report. They are organized into categories for convenient selection. Below are the available categories:

  • Campaign

  • Goal

  • Segment

  • Placements

  • Products

  • Amazon Portfolio

  • Misc

Within each category, there are specific dimensions available for selection. These dimensions can be chosen based on the type of data you intend to display as rows in your report.

In-app Visualization

  • Click on the "+" icon aside from "Rows (Dimensions)". This will open up the side window grouping the row's dimensions.

  • Select the row's dimension type you wish to add to your report as a row.

  • A short description of each dimension will appear if you hover over it for a few seconds. Example:

📗Columns (Metrics)


In the column section, you can add metrics of your choice, selecting the specific ones you want to include as columns in your report.

The sequence in which you select these metrics determines their arrangement in the table, but you can rearrange the order after being selected (learn more here).

The metrics are divided into three groups:

  • Ad metrics (compatible with all dimensions).

  • Retail Sales *

  • and Retail Traffic. *

*Only compatible with the following dimensions:

  • Date

  • Parent ASIN

  • Variant ASIN

  • ASIN title

  • Amazon Brand

  • Product Tags.

🚨 Note 🚨

Retail Sales and Retail Traffic metrics aren't tied to a specific ad unit, even though the tab is labelled “SP Custom Reporting.” Instead, these metrics reflect overall product performance and aren't limited to a single ad unit, so you can't break down sales and traffic metrics across all dimensions.

In-app Visualization

  • Click on the "+" icon aside from "Columns (Metrics)". This will open up the side window grouping the row's dimensions.

  • Select the row's dimension type you wish to add to your report as a column.

  • A short description of each dimension will appear if you hover over it for a few seconds. Example:



This property will allow you to filter by Value or by Condition.

  • Filters by Value
    Filtering by value will allow you to select whether to apply the following sub-filters: Filters on Dimensions (Rows) OR Filters on Metrics (columns).

  • Filter by Condition
    This will allow you to apply filters such as: "Text starts with", "Date is", and many others.

In-app Visualization

  • Click on the "+" icon to start selecting the filters:

  • Select the type of filter you wish to generate the report for.

3️⃣ Delete Configuration

Click the "x" icon next to the respective row, column, or filter configuration.

4️⃣ Manage Configuration Order

Control the order in how the columns and rows are presented in the table, by clicking and dragging the configurations using the “Drag” icon.

How to Create a Custom Report

1️⃣ Navigate the left sidebar of your Perpetua account and access the "SP Custom Reporting" tab (1). Click on the "Create Report" purple button (2) to initiate the creation:


2️⃣ You are directed to the following report generation interface.

Add the configuration you wish to include in your report. Learn more about them by reading the "Configuration Review" section of this article.

3️⃣ Once you've chosen the configurations for your custom report, click the purple"Generate" button at the top-right corner to begin its creation.

4️⃣ The report will be generated, populating an Aggregate Performance you can review by the metrics and graph in the top section, and a table below of the "SP Custom Reporting" dashboard:

🚨 Note 🚨
If you want to modify the configurations of the generated report, modify the configurations and then click on the "Generate" button (step 3️⃣). This action will ensure the newly edited metrics are incorporated into the updated report.

5️⃣ Save your report to avoid losing the configuration you set. Access it again in the future, or simply come back to edit it. Learn more about the actions you can execute with it by reading the next paragraph below.

Managing Your Reports: How to Save, Edit, Download, and More

Learn more about all the actions/edits that can be executed within the "SP Custom Reporting" in Perpetua.

Click on the ▶️icon to expand/view the content:

Save a New Report

  • After generating a new report, click on the "Save Report" button:

  • Enter the title and an optional description, then click "Save":

  • Access your saved report by navigating to the "SP Custom Reporting" tab (1) and clicking on the report among the list (2):

Edit & Save Your Reports

Option a)

  • Access your previously generated reports by navigating to the "SP Custom Reporting" tab (1), and clicking on the report you wish to edit among the list (2):

  • Here you can consider editing any configurations, and the title (3).
    Click on the "Generate" purple button (1), and save the changes by clicking "Save Report" (2):

Option b)

  • For minor changes to your report, such as the name and the description, navigate to the right side of the report until the three dots appear (1).
    Click on them and select the "Edit Report Details" option among the list (2):

Delete a Report

  • Access your previously generated reports by accessing the "SP Custom Reporting" tab (1), and navigating to the right side of the report until the three dots appear (2).
    Click on them and select the "Delete Report" option among the list (3):

  • Confirm the deletion, or dismiss the message:

Download a CSV Report

  • Access your previously generated reports by accessing the "SP Custom Reporting" tab (1), and navigating to the right side of the report until the three dots appear (2).
    Click on them and select the "Download Report" option among the list (3):

Share a Report

  • Access your previously generated reports by accessing the "SP Custom Reporting" tab (1), and navigating to the right side of the report until the three dots appear (2).
    Click on them and select the "Copy Report Link" option among the list (3):

  • Once opened, the link will showcase the report data in-app.

Duplicate a Report

  • Access your previously generated reports by accessing the "SP Custom Reporting" tab (1), and navigating to the right side of the report until the three dots appear (2).
    Click on them and select the "Create Duplicate Report " option among the list (3):

  • Find the duplicated report among the list, with a "(1)" added to the name:

Use Case Scenarios

Discover how to utilize Perpetua's "SP Custom Reporting" feature by exploring various suggested scenarios.

Scenario1️⃣ : Report best/worst-performing Goals running on a specific product groups


  • Product Tags are assigned to the ASIN/s you wish to create the report for (learn more about tags here)


  • Product Tag: The tag you assigned to your ASIN/s.

  • Goal Name


  • Spend,

  • Attributed Sales,

  • ACOS


  • N/A

Suggested Action

  • Increase/decrease budget on the best/worst performing goals.

Scenario 2️⃣ : Report best/worst-performing Campaigns running on a specific product group


  • Product Tags are assigned to the ASIN/s you wish to create the report for (learn more about tags here)


  • Product Tag: The tag you assigned to your ASIN/s.

  • Campaign Name.


  • Spend,

  • Attributed Sales,

  • ACOS


  • N/A

Suggested Action

  • Increase/decrease budget on the best/worst performing campaigns.

Scenario 3️⃣ : Report the performance of your Amazon Portfolio


  • You have created Amazon portfolios to group campaigns for specific strategies, such as protecting your brand, boosting profitability, or attacking competitors.


  • Amazon portfolio title.


  • Spend,

  • Attributed Sales,

  • ACOS


  • N/A

Suggested Action

  • Increase/decrease budget on the Amazon portfolios.

Scenario 4️⃣ : Report the performance for a group of Goals

When managing both multi-campaign and single-campaign goals for the same product, SP custom reporting can consolidate your reports effectively.


  • N/A

  • (Optional) Create an Amazon Portfolio in Seller Central and add all the campaigns of the goals you want aggregate reporting on into that portfolio.


  • Goal Name


  • Spend,

  • Attributed Sales,

  • ACOS


  • Filter the goals on which you want to generate a report.

  • If you opted for the creation of an Amazon Portfolio, filter for the intended portfolio.

Suggested Action

  • Increase/decrease budget on the category selected.

Scenario 5️⃣ : Report best/worst-performing variants of a product family


  • Product Tags are assigned to the ASIN/s you wish to create the report for (learn more about tags here).


  • Product Tag: The tag you assigned to your ASIN/s, ASIN #.


  • Spend,

  • Attributed Sales,

  • ACOS


  • (Optional)

Suggested Action

  • Pause/unpause the best/worst performing ASIN.


Click on the ▶️ icon to expand and view the answer.

What does “Default” mean as Segment Type?

We use “Default” as the indicator for all custom goals (Single Ad-GroupG & Multi Ad-Group).

What does “Unassigned” mean?

Unassigned” is a generic value that we use when the specific “key” has performance values which cannot be attributed to any of the existing values.

Examples: Rows (Goals), Metrics (Spend), Filters (None).

What is the row dimension “Amazon Ad ID” exactly?

It’s the ID for each “Ad” inside a campaign. Each campaign + ad group + SKU combination will have a unique ID.

How much historical data do we consider in SP Custom Reporting?

The data extends to the point of onboarding to Perpetua, plus an additional 6 weeks of preceding data.

Article last updated July 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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