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Sponsored Brand Goals Targeting Types

How should I set up targeting types for my Sponsored Brand Goals?

Written by Claire Lee
Updated over a week ago

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Targeting Types for Sponsored Brand goals allows you to drive different strategic campaign objectives. Depending on your overall campaign strategy, it's important to select the right targeting type in order to reach your goals and get the most out of your budget.

To create a new Sponsored Brand, head over to the Sponsored Brands tab in Perpetua and click "New Goal". Select either Product Collection or Video, and you'll see the option to select a Targeting Type on the right-hand side.
You are also able to change the targeting type on any existing Sponsored Brand campaigns by clicking on the goal.

Select a Targeting Type

You will now be prompted to Select a Targeting Type, which will give you the following options: Universal, Branded, Unbranded, Competitor, and Category. When selecting a targeting type, you should be mindful of your objectives as that will determine the way you want to set up your campaign and measure its success.


No keywords will be excluded unless explicitly added as a negative.

Select Universal targeting if you have low brand affinity or if you are creating a campaign that you want to show to customers regardless as to what they are searching for.


Only keywords containing brand phrases will be targeted.

Select Branded targeting if the objective of this campaign is to specifically target customers searching for your Brand name.


Keywords containing brand phrases will be excluded from targeting automatically.

Select Unbranded targeting to target customers who are not actively seeking out your brand name. For these campaigns, use copy that leverages keywords that perform well in your Sponsored Product goals.


Only keywords containing competitor brand phrases will be targeted.

Select Competitor targeting when launching a campaign to specifically conquest competitor market share. Depending on the copy you are using, you may want to consider launching different campaigns to target different competitors.


Keywords containing brand phrases or competitor brand phrases will be excluded from targeting automatically.

Select Category targeting to target customers who are searching the category you compete in, and are not searching for you or competitors. For these campaigns, use copy that leverages keywords that perform well in your Sponsored Product goals.

Adding Branded/Competitor Phrases

Unless you are using Universal targeting, you will need to add Branded or Competitor phrases in order to either include or exclude them from the campaign.

Enter your phrases by separating them with commas or new lines. Ensure there are no trailing blank spaces in your list to avoid potential errors. Click Done to save.

🚨Note: These phrases are treated as a PHRASE match in terms of what they include/exclude. For example, if you added "Perpetua" as a brand phrase and chose Branded as your targeting type, "Perpetua," "Perpetua Advertising" and "Advertising with Perpetua" could all be targeted, but "Advertising" or "Advertising with Perptua" (misspelling) would not be targeted. 🚨

If you have any questions or are unsure as to which targeting type is the best fit for your strategy, reach out to your Data Strategist or for help!

Article last updated January 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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