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What Targets Should Be Added To Goals

When a goal has limited history, what targets should you add to help Perpetua's ad engine optimize performance faster?

Mitchell Bergin avatar
Written by Mitchell Bergin
Updated over a week ago

We recommend adding the following types of targets to goals:

Flagship Category Keywords

These are high traffic keywords which lead to the majority of sales in your product category. i.e. "shoes"

Niche Product Keywords

These are lower-traffic keywords which convert very well due to high relevance to your product i.e. "waterproof shoe"

Experimental Keywords

Feel free to add any keywords you'd like Perpetua to test. If it does not perform well Perpetua will lower bids over time.

Product ASINs

Perpetua will run an additional manual product campaign that targets both individual ASINs and product categories.

Article last updated September 2023. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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