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Sales & Traffic

Learn how to analyze your performance metrics using Perpetua's Traffic Reporting tool

Marco Varnas avatar
Written by Marco Varnas
Updated over 6 months ago

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The Sales & Traffic is a comprehensive analytics tool that gives you an informative overview of the performance of your sessions, sales, units, and conversion rates per product and per marketplace. It allows you to view the entire traffic (organic + advertising) of your account and compare it with the advertising clicks. This data can also be adjusted for specific timeframes and help you answer questions such as:

➡️ How was my last week's performance?

  • Select "last 7 days" in the date picker and watch how the performance developed

➡️ Did my adjustments in the advertising budget make an impact?

  • Check your sales, units sold, and conversion rate

➡️ Is the drop in sales a seasonal issue?

  • Compare your metrics over a specific time period

➡️ Which products might need a content improvement as their conversion is bad?

  • Check your individual ASIN performance in order to segment products good and bad conversion rates

After getting a general overview of the marketplace, each product can also be looked at and assessed in detail with the goal to apply outcomes to advertising campaigns. Here, you can also upload the cost of goods per product and marketplace, which is then used to calculate the profit margin (more information on this is available below).

Account-Level Data

In the graph at the top of the page, you can view performance data across your entire account. You can plot and view various metrics such as Total Sales, Units Sold, Total Sessions, Amazon Fees, Profit, and more (list of available metrics). This section is great to quickly seeing how your overall performance is developing compared to a previous time period and identify trends in spend, sales, and engagement with your products.

To change the plotted metrics, click the "Add Metric" button, select your desired ones in the pop-up that appears, and press "Apply".

To select a different time period for your displayed metrics, click on the date picker. From there, you can select from one of the preset options or indicate your own range directly in the calendar. To apply your new date range, press "Confirm".

Product-Level Data

  • Table Metrics

    Below the main graph is a table that contains product-specific or brand(s) data. The metrics you can view here are the same as the graph above. Customize the metrics displayed in the table columns, by clicking the icon highlighted in the image below.

  • Group by
    View data from your Perpetua "Sales & Traffic" tab by Grouping your product by "Parent ASIN", "Child ASIN", "Amazon Brand" or "Tags" (find more about Tags here).

  • Filter by

    Similarly to the grouping mentioned above, the "Sales & Traffic" tab allows you to filter by "Parent ASIN", "Child ASIN", "Amazon Brand" or "Tags" (find more about Tags here).

Profit & Profit Margin

This feature calculates your profit margin by deducting your products’ cost of goods, advertising spend, Amazon fees and Item Tax (VAT) paid by shoppers from Total Sales.

In order to maximize our profit feature, you will need to upload your products’ cost of goods (COGs) for each marketplace and ASIN.

Profit and profit margin are available at the account level and at the ASIN level.

  • Profit = Total Sales - Cost of Goods - Amazon Fee - Sponsored Spend - Item Tax (VAT).

  • Profit Margin = Profit / Total Sales.

🚨 Note 🚨

Item Tax (VAT) is aggregated using Amazon reports (Financial Events and Orders Report).

  • Depending on the marketplace, Amazon provides Item Tax (VAT) data differently.

  • If a VAT column is available in your Perpetua account, it means the Total Sales value includes the Item Tax (VAT) amount and for our Profit calculation, Item Tax is deducted (refer to the formula above).

  • If a VAT column is not available in your Perpetua account, it means the Total Sales value excludes the Item Tax (VAT) amount so there's no need to deduct it in our Profit calculation.

  • At the moment, we don’t support the ability to provide a custom VAT% for specific products/categories.

For a complete list of VAT rates, please refer to this Amazon help page.

By having both the product costs and resulting profit available on both marketplace and product levels, you can identify your current overall profit margin, which products are profitable, and which are creating losses on a more detailed level. This allows you to identify where you want to overspend on purpose with a new product that needs investment, find the ACoS you're trying to achieve, and apply the insights to your goals in a more informed way.

How to Upload Your Cost of Goods (COGS)

While both the Amazon fees and your advertising spend are taken into account automatically for the profit margin calculation, adding the cost of goods (COGs) enables you to see the full picture.

  • Navigate to your "Sales & Traffic" tab in the left sidebar and click the "Upload" option.

  • Select the "COGS Data" option from the menu.

  • This will lead you to the "Bulk Operations" tab in Perpetua where you can download the COGS Spreadsheet (a), edit it (b) and upload it (c).

  • After doing so, both the costs and profit margin data will be calculated and shown in minutes in the table below the main graph. If anything changes, you can always come back, download the costs sheet you previously uploaded, adjust those costs, and re-upload.


  • We recommend including the actual cost of the product rather than including things like marketing costs. If you'd like to include shipping costs in that total, we suggest breaking that down by unit and then adding it to the product cost.

  • It's only possible to add child ASIN costs. If you don't see your ASIN showing up, double-check that you didn't accidentally add a parent ASIN instead.

  • If you get an error upon uploading the file, this may be due to the separators in the CSV file being changed from a comma (,) to a semicolon (;). Follow these steps to resolve this whether you're using a Mac or PC:

    • Open the Excel file that you're trying to change in terms of data formatting.

    • Click the Data tab, then From Text.

    • Select the CSV file that has the data clustered into one column.

    • Select Delimited, then make sure the File Origin is Unicode UTF-8.

    • Select Comma. The preview will show the columns being separated.

    • Finally, click Finish.

List of Available Metrics

Total Sales - The amount of ordered product sales, calculated by multiplying the price of order items and the number of units sold for the selected time period.

Totals Units Sold - The number of individual units or items ordered. For example, 3 copies of Book A and 4 copies of Book B are 7 units ordered.

Total Sessions - Visits to your Amazon product detail pages by a customer within a 24-hour period. Page views are summed only for days when there was sales activity on the ASIN. This doesn’t include sessions on the product while not owning the buy box or users coming via a storefront or browse nodes.

Total Conversion Rate: Calculated by dividing the total order items by the number of distinct session counts for the selected time period.

Profit: Your profit after subtracting all costs from your overall revenue. Costs include the cost of goods, advertising spend, Amazon fees, and applicable VAT.

Profit Margin: Revenue related to costs represented as a percentage. Costs include cost of goods, advertising spend, and Amazon fees.

Cost of Goods: Costs that have been added via the Cost of Goods feature to calculate profit margins per product and marketplace.

Amazon Fees: The sum of Amazon costs that are attributed to the sales of a product. This includes all selling, service, and shipping fees (including FBA shipping fees) by Amazon related to an order.

Organic Sales: The total value of products sold to shoppers, excluding those attributed to your ads (calculated by subtracting your attributed sales from your total sales).

Percentage Sponsored: The percentage of total sales that were attributed to your Sponsored ads (calculated by dividing total sales by attributed sales).

Sponsored Spend: Advertising spend attributed to your Sponsored Products, Brands, and Display ads.

Sponsored Sales: Sales attributed to your Sponsored Products, Brands, and Display ads.

Sales Refunded: The amount of ordered product sales that have been refunded, matched based on Amazon Order ID. Refunds are reconciled based on the original purchase date, which means Total Sales values can fluctuate over time, depending on when a refund event happens.

Units Refunded: The number of products that have been refunded, matched based on Amazon Order ID. Refunds are reconciled based on the original purchase date, which means Units Refunded values can fluctuate over time, depending on when a refund event happens.

🚨 Note 🚨
Minor data discrepancies can be expected as the data is based on different Amazon reports which are set to pull slightly different data based on the service the report is set to perform.

Article last updated August 2024 If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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