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The Campaign Breakdown Tool

Viewing performance data for Amazon campaigns on the Perpetua dashboard

Gloria Steiner avatar
Written by Gloria Steiner
Updated over 4 months ago

Our in-app campaign breakdown tool allows you to analyze performance of campaigns managed on and off Perpetua.

Graphs on the dashboard are defaulted to show performance data of all campaigns.

By clicking 🔽 next to All Campaigns above the graph, a drop-down menu is exposed to allow users to filter for/out performance on Perpetua.

Selecting "Active Perpetua Advertisement, allows users to view data for campaigns managed by Perpetua only.

Selecting Sponsored Campaign Breakdown allows users to compare data for Perpetua campaigns against other campaigns managed outside of Perpetua.

In the image below, data for Perpetua campaigns is shown in purple and data for other campaigns is shown in green.

Article last updated April 2023. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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