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Campaign Takeover for Sponsored Brands

Learn how to take over and optimize your existing Amazon Sponsored Brands campaigns in Perpetua

Written by Claire Lee
Updated over a week ago

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SB Campaign Takeover Walkthrough

If you have existing Sponsored Brands or Sponsored Brands Video campaigns on Amazon, you have the ability to let Perpetua optimize and manage them in just a few clicks.

🚨 Note 🚨
If your Amazon Campaigns are not appearing on Perpetua, it could be due to recent launches. Please allow up to 24 hours for data synchronization, and your campaigns should then populate among the list available for takeover on Perpetua.

1️⃣ Head over to the Sponsored Brands tab in the left-hand menu.

2️⃣ Click on the Campaigns tab in the middle of the dashboard. This is where you'll see a list of all the current Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Brands video campaigns that exist in your Amazon Ad Console.

3️⃣ Find the campaign you'd like to optimize, then click the purple "Optimize Campaign" button beside it. From here, you can set your goal configurations like the goal name, target ACoS, and budget. Once complete, press "Launch Goal" to finalize.

Once you've optimized and launched your goal, it will populate in the "Goals" tab of your Sponsored Brands dashboard.

Supported Actions on Multi-Ad Group SB Campaigns (SBv4)

If you'd like to take over multi-ad group Sponsored Brands Product Collection or Video campaigns (also known as SBv4 campaigns), Perpetua does support this. The process will be the same as above but there are some limitations currently in place that are listed below.


  • Take over Sponsored Brands' Product Collection, Video to Product Page, Brand Video and Store Spotlight campaigns.

  • Harvest Keywords for SBV4 Campaigns (Learn more here).

  • Make bid adjustments to targets.

  • Change Target ACoS and budget.

  • Add Manual Keywords (No PAT Keywords).

  • Pause targets.

  • Add negative matches.

  • View keyword and target data after clicking on the goal dashboard.

  • View performance data for each ad & ad group in the goal.

🚨Note 🚨
Adding Keywords can be done from your Amazon Ad Console and Perpetua will honour it. However, it's important to note that the engine will not optimize PAT and Theme Targeting type Keywords.

📕Not Supported

  • Take over PAT (includes Category), hybrid (PAT and Keyword), Theme, and vCPM cost-type campaigns.

  • Add Theme Targeting Keywords (this can be done in the Ad Console directly. Learn more here).

  • Add or edit creatives (this can be done in the Ad Console directly)

  • Add or edit ad groups (this can be done in the Ad Console directly)

This feature is being continuously improved. The above lists will be updated regularly to reflect the current state and capabilities.

Article last updated September 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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