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SBv4 Custom Images and Creatives

How to add custom images to your existing SBv4 goals

Lauren Di Nardo avatar
Written by Lauren Di Nardo
Updated over a week ago

🚨 Note 🚨
Starting August 30th 2024, Amazon will no longer serve Sponsored Brands Product Collection ads without a custom image. You can review all campaigns and edit your custom images within the Amazon Ad Console.

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Why Use Custom Images?

Using custom images is important to build your brand and elevate your advertising on Amazon. They allow you to stand out from the competition and often lead to higher click-through rates while giving you the opportunity to further educate your customers on your product.

How to Add Custom Images to an Existing Goal

Our creative launch flow is available for both Sponsored Brand Videos and Sponsored Brand Collections. Perpetua does not support editing the creatives of existing ads yet. This must be done through the Amazon Ad Console. However, you can launch a new ad containing a custom image using the process outlined here.

🚨 Note 🚨
All new ads must be the same creative type as the existing ad group they belong to. i.e New creatives/ads for a product collection ad group must be a product collection ad.

📙 Sponsored Brand Product Collection

1️⃣ Select the SBv4 goal you want to add a custom creative to

2️⃣ Click "Edit Goal"

3️⃣ Select your ad group

4️⃣ In the "Ad Details" Modal, select "Create Ad"

5️⃣ Fill in the ad details:

  • Ad Name (this is populated by default, but can be edited) (a)

  • Ad Destination (b)

  • Logo Image (c)

  • Ad Headline (d).

6️⃣ Select the ASINs you wish to advertise.

7️⃣ Add up to 5 custom images to your ad.

8️⃣ Select "Update Goal" at the top right of your screen.

📙 Sponsored Brand Video

1️⃣ Select the SBv4 goal you want to add a custom creative to

2️⃣ Click "Edit Goal"

3️⃣ Select your ad group

4️⃣ In the "Ad Details" Modal, select "Create Ad".

5️⃣ Select your video ad:

6️⃣ Select the ASINs you wish to advertise

7️⃣ Select "Update Goal" at the top right of your screen to save the changes.

🚨 Note🚨

It can take up to 72 hours for your ad to be approved by Amazon according to their content guidelines.

Article last updated June 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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