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Why SP Goals Data Does Not Match Segment Data?

Comparing goal data to segment data for SP goals and why there is a discrepancy between values shown on the dashboard

Gloria Steiner avatar
Written by Gloria Steiner
Updated over a year ago

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At Perpetua, we create goals, not campaigns in order to implement your strategic objectives.

When you launch a sponsored products (SP) goal, a sub-set of campaigns are launched. Our campaign structure for Sponsored Products is as follows:

On our app, you can view metrics at the goal, segment and campaign levels.

Keep in mind that the goal data you see on the main Sponsored Products page does not match the data when you click the Segments tab within a goal.

Goal Level Data in Sponsored Product Tab

Data at the Goal level on the main Sponsored Products tab is an aggregate of campaign data.

Referring to the following example, the goal is set up with 'Brand-Based Targeting' which has two segments within it - Branded and Unbranded.

The attributed sales for the Branded segment (B) would be the attributed sales from the two campaigns within this segment, the Branded Manual Keyword and Branded PAT campaigns.
Similarly, the attributed sales for the Unbranded segment (UB) would represent the attributed sales from the three campaigns within it, Unbranded Manual Keyword, Unbranded PAT and Auto campaign.

Goal Segment Data Within Goal

From the "Segments" tab within the selected goal, the attributed sales amount is different than when you look at the goal overview page from the Sponsored Products tab.

That is because Segments Data utilizes search term performance.

The attributed sales for the branded segment represent sales coming from Branded search terms. The same principle would apply to the Unbranded segment; the amount shown reflects the sales that came from Unbranded search terms.

All search terms, regardless of which campaigns they are in, will then be classified as Branded, Category or Competitor based on the specified Branded/Competitor Phrases the user defined on Perpetua and brand data on Amazon.

T​he easiest way to see the distinction between the two is by considering the AUTO campaign.

Within the Goals view, the AUTO campaign performance will be seen under the Unbranded or Category segment (depending on the targeting type) even though the AUTO campaign may have also bid on Branded search terms.
Within the segments tab, the AUTO campaign's performance will be split up by what it actually bid on - branded keywords and ASINs will be filed under Branded, category terms under Category and competitor terms under Competitor.

🚨 Note: If the Branded phrases list is updated mid-month, the Goals view will not retroactively update the data, but the Segments tab will.

F​or example - if Nike was added as a Branded Phrase on Jan 15th on Perpetua, Nike phrases will be considered in the Unbranded campaigns before the 15th but in the Branded campaigns after the 15th. If I view data under the Segments tab, before the 15th, Nike search terms will be filed under Branded. If I view data on the Sponsored Products page before the 15th, Nike data will be filed under the Unbranded segment. 🚨

Article last updated February 2024. If you find this information to be out of date, please contact

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