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Sponsored Brand Error Messages

A guide to solving those pesky Sponsored Brand error messages

Gloria Steiner avatar
Written by Gloria Steiner
Updated over a week ago

In this article, the errors Campaign Terminated, Campaign Rejected and Campaign Error will be broken down and examples of solutions will be outlined.

Campaign Terminated

What you will see in Perpetua:

What you will see in Amazon:

Campaign Terminated means that either:

  • The campaign has been Archived in the Amazon Ad Console or,

  • There was an End Date implemented on the campaign and it has surpassed it's End Date

Solution: Recreate the SB campaign in Perpetua (or in Amazon and take it over in Perpetua) and do not enter an End Date to ensure it will keep delivering until you pause it.


Campaign Rejected

What you will see in Perpetua:

What you will see in Amazon:

Campaign Rejected means that it has not been approved by Amazon for a specific reason and therefore is located in the Drafts section in the Amazon Ad Console with the status displaying "Not Approved".

Once you have located the campaign that was not approved in the Drafts, click on "Edit" and this will take you to the campaign.

Here, you will find the appropriate message from Amazon on why it was not approved. Some examples are:

  • Campaigns with deals or savings must end the day the earliest-expiring deal or saving ends.

  • Logo Rejected: Brand logos cannot be an ASIN image, lifestyle image or any combination of those.

  • Headline Rejected: The content is not policy compliant.

You read more about Amazon's Sponsored Ad creative policies here.


Campaign Error

What you will see in Perpetua:

What you will see in Amazon:

Solution: Increase the budget on the Sponsored Brand campaign in Perpetua in order to mitigate the campaign running out of budget.


What you will see in Perpetua:

What you will see in Amazon:

This means that: There is a portfolio level budget implemented on the portfolio which this Sponsored Brand campaign is located in.

Solution: Go into the Amazon Ad Console and remove the portfolio level budget in order for the Sponsored Brand campaign to continue delivering all day long.


What you will see in Perpetua:

All Campaign Error messages below pertain to the same error message in Amazon. (Yes, we know that last error message is weird)

What you will see in Amazon:

These Campaign Error messages usually signify that:

  • There are ASINs within the Sponsored Brand campaign that are not on the landing page. All ASINs (the exact Child or unique ASIN) must be located on the direct landing page itself, not within another page of the store for instance.

  • There are two ASINs out of the three chosen to display on the headline that are not buyable.

Solution: Edit the campaign in the Amazon Ad Console to either:

  • Direct the Sponsored Brand campaign to the related landing page which has the three ASINs

  • Alter the ASINs that are displayed in the headline to ensure they are buyable


What you will see in Perpetua:

What you will see in Amazon:

Nothing! The ASIN(s) is/are not available therefore it cannot get pushed to Amazon. Usually, the headline contained an ASIN that led to this type of page:

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