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Perpetua’s DSP Service and Naming Conventions
Perpetua’s DSP Service and Naming Conventions

How to navigate Line Item Reporting in Perpetua and understand our standardized naming convention

Mitchell Bergin avatar
Written by Mitchell Bergin
Updated over a week ago

If you have started advertising on the Amazon DSP through the Perpetua Managed Service you will now have access to our exclusive in app comprehensive reporting tab.

Your DSP tab in Perpetua mirrors how results are displayed in other ad units with aggregated results and a time-series graph displayed at the top of the page with many important metrics to help analyze performance. In addition, we are now including a comprehensive list of every line item within the campaign. Our standardized line item naming convention is used to relay information encoding which product is being advertised, where the ad is being displayed, and specifically who the ad is targeting. 

DSP Tab:

Line Item Naming Convention:

Product Name

This one is fairly self-explanatory, instead of an ASIN we use a general description of the product(s) for quick identification. The product name references the entire campaign which is defined by the remaining features in the naming convention.


The ad destination refers to the website(s) where the ad will be displayed. As your DSP campaign runs and performance data is collected, we will use this field to target high-value online destinations specific to your campaigns, in order to optimize ROAS and drive sales.

  • AZOO: Amazon Owned and Operated - This includes as well as other Amazon-owned online property such as

  • AZPS: Amazon Publisher Services - These are websites that Amazon has a specific deal with therefore are higher value inventory at a lower cost

  • 3P: Third Party Exchanges - These represent a collection of strategically targeted websites or individual URLs that aren’t otherwise connected to Amazon.

  • Mobile AAP - These are mobile placements through high quality mobile ad networks and open exchanges.


Indicates where the ad is being displayed on desktop, mobile devices or both.

  • DS: Desktop

  • MB: Mobile

  • DSMB: Both

Target Market

The audience we are targeting with this ad – a population of consumers segmented by their online behaviour, such as purchasing history, specific product views and general lifestyle demographics. 

  • ProductView: Consumers who have viewed your product but did not purchase

  • CompProductView: Consumers who have viewed one of your competitor’s product pages but did not purchase

  • LapsedPurchasers: Past purchasers who have not repurchased in the last X number of days

  • BrandExpansion: Consumers who have purchased branded items in the past and are targeted for newer or less-established products 

  • InMarket: This references a Contextual or Lifestyle audience that is often used to target a broader range of relevant consumers. Example – InMarket_ValentinesDay,  InMarket_FashionJewelery , or Healthy Lifestyle. 

  • ProductSearches: Consumers who searched your product on Amazon and your specific ASIN appeared in the search results page, regardless of if they clicked on the ASIN

  • Pixel: Directly retargeting people who have visited your e-commerce site 

  • PixelLookalike: Targeting a group of people with “similar” characteristics to the people who visit your e-commerce site 

  • HashedEmail: Audience generated from e-mail/CRM list

  • HashedEmailLookalike: Targeting a group of people with “similar” characteristics to the people in the e-mail/CRM list


Parameters provide additional context on the composition of the target market. A couple common examples listed below:

  • Detailing a specific “lookback” period that outlines the timeframe associated with that target market. For example: … - ProductView_Last60days would include consumers who viewed the product page within the last 60 days. 

  • Detailing a specific Competitor Brand that we are targeting within in the CompProductView. For example: … - CompProductView “Competitor Brand”

  • When “SIM” is the listed Parameter attached to the CompProductView target market this refers to the targeting of competitors that Amazon has automatically generated

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